Author Topic: New hobbies  (Read 3467 times)

Offline Jason

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New hobbies
« on: January 17, 2008, 10:24:39 PM »
Ok you lot are getting to me  :biggrin:

I saw Sx Nutta's pics of Fire Poi and thought that looks cool and as I've got a birthday coming up I think the wife might be getting me a Poi starter set (soft bits that can be changed to fire bits later)

Anyway back to the present I went into the gadget shop in covent garden a few days ago (Yes they let me in on the bocks  :thumbs:) and they had Diablos for £8 (you know sort of giant free yoyo and 2 sticks with string between them)

I have been practicing and have got to the point where I don't drop it all the time and can do 2 really lame tricks (only been 2 days  :biggrin:) well a workmate asked if he could have a go which left me with empty hands (always bad  :haha:)

Well I thought all I need to see if I'm gonna like Poi is 2 bits of string and some soft weights
I got the string but no soft weights only thing I could find was a couple of hardwood cabinet k**bs (thought WTH they'll do and tied them on)

Now I think I got the string the wrong length

It started well but how come that while you are frantically waving you arms the D*m things go slow or stop but the second you stop and decided that is fast enought the bl**dy thing start to spin at near light speed and won't stop

At this point I had lost almost all control but couldn't stop them gyrating round me at a terrifying speed then with a mind of their own they started to weave eccentric unpredictable patterns and started to make the odd contact with various parts of my body with the obvious pain that slapping yourself with hard wooden balls at speed brings

The bodily contact seemed if anything to speed the D*m things up and now I looked like a cross between a Riverdancer having a fit and a twin rotor helicopter in it's last death throws

My mind destracted by the sight of my wormate almost crying with laughter the 2 k**bs finally collided whilst coming over my head from the back and made full and final contact with a section of my anatomy (made a sickening thwack sound)

Yes you guessed it if the string had been longer my knees would have hurt but as it was I have no interest in starting a family in the next few days  :haha:

So there it is Poi is Dangerous and I'm now begging the wife to get me a set for my birthday  :biggrin:

Thank Sx Nutta for all the pain  :thumbs:

Jason  :Hoofies2:

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Re: New hobbies
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2008, 10:58:22 PM »

Do you recon your workplace has hidden cameras about ;D

Your antics would get lots of hits on youtube hehe


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Re: New hobbies
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2008, 11:02:25 PM »
I think I might get the wife to video the first Poi experiments especialy the Fire bit  :biggrin:

But I think Diablo on stilts is gonna be really funny cause if you move the Diablo stays still bit of a disadvantage when you can't stand still on Bocks  :haha:

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Re: New hobbies
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2008, 11:16:36 PM »
Look forward to it  :)

Offline Spud

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Re: New hobbies
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2008, 12:40:34 AM »
Diabolo on stilts would be fine. You would just need to face the same direction all the time and maybe stand/walk on the spots. Have not tried it yet though. Just poi. That was not too bad.

I have some diabolo and poi vids on youtube. Wouldnt watch them all. Some are just stupid requested by mates. The self promo one is ok ok for daibolo. Excuse the bad voiceover. It was part of the grading criteria anyhoo...

Offline Sx Nutta

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Re: New hobbies
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2008, 08:34:46 PM »
Jason I do poi, staff and diabolio, all on foot and on bocks, if you need a hand with anything, give me a shout, and I will teach you some new things!!  ;)

Fire is good!
But Fire is better when you are spinning or breathing it!
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Offline Jason

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Re: New hobbies
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2008, 09:04:21 PM »
I may well take you up on that Sx the way I'm going at the moment Poi without fire is more painfull that falling of the Bocks  :haha:

Offline Spud

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Re: New hobbies
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2008, 09:08:55 PM »
Dont get cobra or any tenis ball poi then jason. That kills. And leaves a white patch where the ball hit and a red ring around that. I guess the blood went splat.

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Re: New hobbies
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2008, 09:18:57 PM »
I have 2 sets of sock poi, 2 sets of mouse poi, 1 set of single head fire poi, and a set of double headed fire poi, and a 1.4m 3-piece fire staff!

Fire is good!
But Fire is better when you are spinning or breathing it!
Burn Scars are for life!
Chicks dig dudes with cool burn scars!

Offline Spud

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Re: New hobbies
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2008, 09:20:09 PM »
I love my mouse poi. Little short srings but great for practice. Even got my sis a pair. I have some flag ones too

Offline Sx Nutta

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Re: New hobbies
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2008, 09:20:37 PM »
I want flag poi!!

Fire is good!
But Fire is better when you are spinning or breathing it!
Burn Scars are for life!
Chicks dig dudes with cool burn scars!

Offline Spud

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Re: New hobbies
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2008, 09:26:11 PM »
I got them £17 orange and black. usuall price £20 ish

Offline Nero

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Re: New hobbies
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2008, 06:09:42 PM »

At this point I had lost almost all control but couldn't stop them gyrating round me at a terrifying speed then with a mind of their own they started to weave eccentric unpredictable patterns and started to make the odd contact with various parts of my body with the obvious pain that slapping yourself with hard wooden balls at speed brings

The bodily contact seemed if anything to speed the D*m things up and now I looked like a cross between a Riverdancer having a fit and a twin rotor helicopter in it's last death throws

Jason, ive only been back on the site a day and already youve had me nearly wet myself, your a comedy genius!

“Life is not a journey to the grave with intentions of arriving safely in a pretty well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming ... WOW! What a ride!”

Offline Jason

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Re: New hobbies
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2008, 07:28:39 PM »
Thankyou Nero

The worst bit is all I have to do is describe the events as they happen I'm sure someone up there is having a laugh at me cause I seem unable to have a serious accident

Even when I get knocked of my motor bike it turns into a slapstik event I was going round trafalgar sq and a guy in a van pulled over on me
My front wheel went up into his back wheel arch and I ended up on the floor (it stopped his van though)

I gave my governor a ring told him I'd had a little accident and he agreed to pick up me and the bike in our van (I was only 5 min from work)

So there I am trying to extract my front wheel with the help of 2 Cops and the van driver (who was an almost exact copy of me but 2 ft shorter and even scruffier) When on the steps of St Martins church (10 ft away) a woman goes into labour (it must have been hurting the amount of noise she was making)

So more police arrive and an ambulance, by this time we have the road blocked off, an ambulance 2 police cars and about 10 trainee police in yellow jackets and quite a large crowd gathering
At this point my guvernor turns up with a Reanault Master Van (they don't come much bigger)

Later he said he thought that the Ambulance was for me and all the Police

So anyone that was stuck in the traffic that day Sorry it was me  :biggrin: