Author Topic: Warm-up/ Streches  (Read 9589 times)

Offline Red_romper

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Warm-up/ Streches
« on: November 04, 2008, 02:53:31 PM »
We all know we should dosen't mean we all do. Now most people will know basic warm up and streching techniques from school but what about more speciffic streches e.g. for lower back to help with bockers back.

Can those who do proper warm-ups can you help us who don't.

Red :scool:

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Offline Red_romper

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Re: Warm-up/ Streches
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2008, 07:48:01 PM »

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« Last Edit: November 17, 2008, 01:29:09 AM by Red_romper »

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Dark Knight

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Re: Warm-up/ Streches
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2008, 07:54:23 PM »
Can those who do proper warm-ups can you help us who don't.
Do you mean people who spent years teaching in a gym and fitness classes ?
There can't be many bockers like that !?

Offline Charlie B

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Re: Warm-up/ Streches
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2008, 09:57:10 PM »
Depends how specific you want to be

To improve moblity and suppleness you need to be doing stretches often as part of a stretch routine not just prior to bocking. Stretches need to be held for up to 30 seconds as part of a mobility program.

If you are stretching prior to an event then cario vascular work must be done to increase heart rate and warm up the muscles before stretching. These stretches should last for up to 10 seconds. Stretches should be done to include all parts of the body prior to an event with focus on high mobility on key areas.

Sports Strech by Michael J Alter ISBN 0-88011-823-7 is a book I reference often. It has over 311 different stretches categorised into key body areas
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Dark Knight

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Re: Warm-up/ Streches
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2008, 12:39:11 AM »
Can those who do proper warm-ups can you help us who don't.
Do you mean people who spent years teaching in a gym and fitness classes ?
There can't be many bockers like that !?
I'm being ironic  :Dark_Knight:
Untill the doctor told me the stop I spent hours in the gym every week and had aerabic classes and I maybe rubbish but I Bock !
I could have a look through my old notes and work some routines out.

Don't think I can promise you 19 inch calf or 26 inch thighs but I know a thing or three

Offline Red_romper

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Re: Warm-up/ Streches
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2008, 01:30:58 AM »
Well the main thing is I know that a lot of bockers, myself included, don't even think of walming up or doing basic streches lick you should for any physical activity. Anyone who plays sport will have streches and warm ups they do to try and reduce injurys such as strains and sprains and I thought we should all start getting into the practice of it.

A lot of streches can just be pulled from other sports that use the same muscle groups eg leg streches, but it's muscle groups that most other sports don't use that I personally want to know about so things for lower and mid back in particular.

Warm up I presume just any normal exercise than gets the heart pumping a little will do so walking from a station to a gym carrying the bocks would count maybe?

Red :scool:

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Dark Knight

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Re: Warm-up/ Streches
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2008, 07:22:23 AM »
Red_romper your right to a piont about other sports but what sports involve straping weights to your legs and then running and jumping about  ???
But anything maybe better than nothings ?
As long as you start your bocking slowly and give yourself time, just walking about your stilts for a couple of minuets would help.

Offline Charlie B

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Re: Warm-up/ Streches
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2008, 09:30:07 AM »
Though our sport is different, the stretches used for gymnastics do cover most of the muscle groups we would use so we are not unique in that sense.

You are right we need to warm up properly, however this is only one part of correct training to reduce injuries.

The real issue is the strength needed in you back and abs to rotate the extra weight of the stilts. This requires a core strength training programme as well as flexibility.
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Offline Spud

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Re: Warm-up/ Streches
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2008, 10:58:51 AM »
Please correct me if I am wrong  ;) but surely actually getting on your bocks is the best way to build up strength in the right muscles for bocking?

Learning to bock and practicing seems to me like a perfect way of building up the muscles and it kinda happens naturally. When you start out you probably just walk around the garden and as you get better you begin running and jumping which is a step up, for your muscles, from just walking.

Stretching is important but on a meet its not very practical, you stop and start and have breaks all over the day the one warm up really wouldn't be enough. If you could do stretches on bocks then I think more people would do it every now and then. I'm no expert. Are there any stretches people could do on bocks?

This is a little off topic. I don't know what other people's meets are like but I think it's important for people to keep hydrated and eat during the day. I know at the Norwich meets are pretty good at this. Usually a couple of people collect money and go buy drinks from tesco's (what is it with the invicta's and powerade! They dont sell it at tesco's lol) and when people get hungary we march up to the market and grab something before we go to the forum.

I mean, so other groups just hang around at 2 places or are they always on the move. Nobody likes carrying stuff around but its important. One you might get cramps and stuff like that and also because you lose concentration and are more likely to splat. Thats why food is important too..

Well, thats my little piece


Offline Sx Nutta

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Re: Warm-up/ Streches
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2008, 11:28:44 AM »
I always found that etting onto your bocks, and slowly doing things, is the best way to warm up the muscles, such as walking, slow running, small jumps, etc. then slowly increase speed and jump height over 5 to 10 mins will warm the muscles up and then do the same to cool down, but it may not work for everyone

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Dark Knight

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« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2008, 01:49:48 PM »
I always found that etting onto your bocks, and slowly doing things, is the best way to warm up the muscles, such as walking, slow running, small jumps, etc. then slowly increase speed and jump height over 5 to 10 mins will warm the muscles up and then do the same to cool down, but it may not work for everyone
Just like I said. Warm-up/ Streches don't need to be done on a mat in a gym, they can be so suttle that people can't tell your doing it ?
« Last Edit: November 17, 2008, 07:18:07 PM by Dark Knight »

Offline Charlie B

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Re: Warm-up/ Streches
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2008, 08:42:57 PM »
The warm up sx suggests is the right way to develop on bocks all warm ups should start with light exrecise and then increase intensity.

Spud you are right to a point. The more you bock the more you build the muscles that you use. However as in most sports there is a role for additional exercises that either improve strength or flexibility in specific areas. For example using weights to build quad muscle around your knees will help maintain Knee stability. The use of resistance (mainly weights) improves muscle bulk and /or muscle tone significantly more and quicker than just bocking, also as a general rule if you work out say for 4 weeks regularly then stop it will take you two weeks to get back to the previous levels of fitness so if you stop bocking and do nothing else your fitness and suppleness will decrease.
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Offline Spud

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Re: Warm-up/ Streches
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2008, 08:54:16 PM »
 :approve: Thats why you are the expert  :thumbs:

Offline Jason

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Re: Warm-up/ Streches
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2008, 09:16:44 PM »
Hey Charlie

I've got strech maks on my stomach does this count  :haha:

I have got to be the worst advert for warming up (although I do take it slowly at first due to so many aches and pains  :biggrin:)

But I am always pulling various muscles so I have joines a Pilates class with the Wife and it seems to really help (and it's a d*m site harder than I thought  :biggrin:) but it does build core streanth which is what Bocking is all about

Jason  :Hoofies2:

Offline Charlie B

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Re: Warm-up/ Streches
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2008, 09:57:00 PM »

Yoga and Pilates are a lot harder than they look. If you are pulling muscles then a regular stretching routine during the week will help, only needs to be 10 mins (I also use yoga on the wi fit ) and then some stretches prior to getting on your bocks should do it.
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Offline rickbicker26

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Re: Warm-up/ Streches
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2008, 10:03:00 PM »
now try wii-fit on your bocks clive n post the video

Offline Spud

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Re: Warm-up/ Streches
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2008, 10:18:05 PM »
Why does the word yoga remind me of star wars ???

I don't think we talked enough about cool downs because if you are doing some serious bocking your gonna ache if you dont do one just stretch again after.


Dark Knight

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Re: Warm-up/ Streches
« Reply #17 on: November 19, 2008, 02:16:52 AM »
Pilates is hard at any level as it uses your own muscles to work against and like yogo it can look like your doing nothing but it fact your working your body hard.

An more important thing than cool down in dehydration which is more likely to lead to aches afterward than not cooling down afterwards. It not good after a drink if your thirsty but then your body as become dehydrated and no amount of waters will really help you then, the trick is little and often and that includes before and after and if you find yourself needed a toilet then that's a lot better than you wanting a drink !?

If your bocking for fun you'll run out of energy and slow down so cooling down would happen anyway.