Author Topic: EA bockers reputation  (Read 23916 times)

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #50 on: February 23, 2009, 10:51:37 PM »
Sorry, last off-topic post.

Why not come to belford(where i live)... sounds good....

Lots of flat areas/things to jump onto/off of, got 2 pubs, a skate park, some nice empty roads for running around on... it's ideal really...

Even got an empty concrete farm track that you can go for runs up :D
:banghead: would be great if you could put it somewhere in east anglia with good transport links.

Sorry Spud, maybe you should impose fines for bad behaviour?
LOL, I am sorry, I am having a really stressy day and this is like not helping. I feel like I am fighting a losing battle on my own :( oh well

sorry I am not too happy...


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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #51 on: February 23, 2009, 11:40:28 PM »
Spudy when we next have a meet i think we should go to the UEA and Eaton park.. I think both locations are better than the forum anyway.. The forum is just a large flat area, no steps or many things to jump over.. If we all meet where the bus drops you off at the UEA sports park i'll show everyone some better places to bock.. :Cyes:

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #52 on: February 23, 2009, 11:48:51 PM »
Sure trip! I think norwich has many more places to offer. I just think we found some good spots and felt no need to look elsewhere, no we have an excuse. Fancy a mini-meet sometime? There is a new guy who is hoping to get some bocks at the UEA..

Thanks fro saying it was nothing to the moat guys btw :)


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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #53 on: February 24, 2009, 12:04:01 AM »
Yep, Lets organise something, it'll be good to check out a few other places anyway with the better weather on its way!! :Cwink: Is OK my dads a bit like me.. Full of it LOL, he knows how to handle a few old cronies  :Ctwitcy:

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #54 on: February 24, 2009, 12:05:11 AM »
I also agree!! although would be better at the weekend!??

Offline Spud

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #55 on: February 24, 2009, 12:11:09 AM »
I also agree!! although would be better at the weekend!??
Who suggested any different :P If you wanna talk about when to do this meet then its kinda what the upcoming meet thread is for  :thumbs:


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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #56 on: February 24, 2009, 10:09:36 AM »
sounds good
i may have a drive up as well

Offline Spud

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #57 on: February 24, 2009, 11:49:39 PM »
I am thinking about forming a committee for EA bockers. I am looking for about 3 people so that we can discuss and work on getting some of this stuff sorted. Anybody interested?


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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #58 on: February 25, 2009, 12:28:35 AM »
Me me me! Ooh pick me! MEEEE SPUD MEEEE! PICK ME!

I'm not an EA.

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #59 on: February 25, 2009, 01:27:57 AM »
You can pick me too if you want :P
I can be an honorary member :D

Offline Trip

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #60 on: February 25, 2009, 01:28:31 AM »
I'll give you some back up and support if you need it Spud... I'm quiet good at dealing with authorities and people. Its not fair that your the only EA trying to do something, together we will be strong!! Ha ha  :Ctwitcy: As long as you don't mind the older generation getting involved .. the EA's are a team and there's some big personalities amoungst us.. Lets get it together and get what we want, its so easy if we work together Spudy..  :Cyes:

" Jeeez i just read that back.. i sound like bloody Winston Churchill or something!"
« Last Edit: February 25, 2009, 01:32:53 AM by Trip »

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #61 on: February 25, 2009, 01:32:14 AM »
great to see someone step up :)
come on the rest of the EA's where are you all!!

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #62 on: February 25, 2009, 01:42:19 AM »
Thank you so much Trip! I think we need the older generation involved :P Even if you only look and not act old :P People are very quick to judge kids ;)

But hell yeah, come on guys! We can do it. We are a great group and right now we need to pull together a push for some stuff. We can do it :)

And thanks Naz :)


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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #63 on: February 25, 2009, 01:45:21 AM »
Hang on.... what do ya mean spudy i look old "Your havin a laugh" ..  :Ctongue: 

« Last Edit: February 25, 2009, 01:50:13 AM by Trip »

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #64 on: February 25, 2009, 01:46:46 AM »
 :Ctongue: you don't look 15, thats all I'm saying  :Ctongue:

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #65 on: February 25, 2009, 01:49:47 AM »
Thank you so much Trip! I think we need the older generation involved :P Even if you only look and not act old :P

I've been telling him this for ages but he doesn't believe me!!

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #66 on: February 25, 2009, 01:55:04 AM »
Oh no i've got two of them ganging up on me.. I thought i was OK for 40!! i mean come on... I know i may be a little folically challenged but i can still do the bis, if you know what i mean!!!  :Cyes:

--------------- That side kick is an absolute legend for someone my age
« Last Edit: February 25, 2009, 02:01:02 AM by Trip »

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #67 on: February 25, 2009, 02:01:21 AM »

Just teasing  :Cwink:

and you're lucky Becky isnt online!

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #68 on: February 25, 2009, 02:25:36 AM »
Yer i know ..
Just teasing  :Cwink:
and you're lucky Becky isnt online!

Yer i know.. i better qwit while i'm ahead, but even though Spud has refered to me as old... I still think we should support our leader.  :Cnotworthy:

I'm sure my old mate Carl will defend me!!

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #69 on: February 25, 2009, 02:40:18 AM »
You can pick me too if you want :P
I can be an honorary member :D
I totally missed that! Your in! Shall I make you a sig  :Ctwitcy:

Sprog! I can pick you too if you want :P just coz out logo's kick :P

« Last Edit: February 25, 2009, 02:44:06 AM by Spud »

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #70 on: February 25, 2009, 02:57:34 AM »
Cool.... I vote Sprog in even though he's not an EA.. LOL He's the bock doc, hes got an opinion and he's not afraid to use it.. OK sprog your in... You now have to have your arse branded with a red hot poker, EA... Welcome dude
« Last Edit: February 25, 2009, 02:59:37 AM by Trip »

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #71 on: February 25, 2009, 03:31:53 AM »
I made him a very special sig if he wants it  :Cbiggrin:

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #72 on: February 25, 2009, 06:07:26 AM »
ha, seems trip is getting some stick....
tis funny, because as i remember 2 year ago
when all this stilt lark really started to get moving
there was no sign of any 15 year olds  :Ctongue: hmnnnn
it was mainly 20's and above.....
and trip, you only 40 lol ? ? ? ?, :Cno:  you young bugger...
lets see if they are still bocking when they get to our age
haha, or will the lower pain barrier stop em.... :Cyes:

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Offline Spud

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #73 on: February 25, 2009, 12:29:15 PM »
Trip knows we love him really ;) Sorry to be a party pooper but here I go.

This is a summary of all the information I have received over the last few day and a kinda action plan.

Step 1) Let’s try to get ourselves unbanned from the forum.
I think the first thing we should do is speak to somebody high up at the forum. I am not expecting this to work but I think it is worth a try. We have nothing to lose by doing this.

There is a contact form on the Forum’s website:

I am not sure if this is the best way. Does anybody have any contacts with somebody higher up so we can skip some people lower down?

One of the problems with the forum is that if we did hurt somebody they would be left liable if proven to be negligent in its actions and behaviours. I think it is a fair reason not to let us bock there so turning this one around might be tricky unless we can educate and prove that we are safe. We also have no public liability insurance.

Step 2) Write to the Local council.
I am not sure if they could get the forum back for us but what locky said was very true. We bock at the Forum because it is a large open space that we feel is safe for bocking. We don’t bock there if it is very busy and we do around for people. I think we could improve safety at meets, make it slightly more formal, have a process noted down so we can kinda prove it but at the mo we are doing ok. We could mention that capital bocking was going to be in Norwich and that because of this ban it has been moved elsewhere.

Back to the council, we bock at the forum because we think it is safe and we are always thinking of safety and are aware of people around us. If we were to bock around the market, or anywhere down that road it would be irresponsible and dangerous. So if we can’t now bock safely at the forum, we are only left with less safe and ideal places. We should ask for a safe area to bock and outline what kind of spaces are good for bocking. A grass field wont be very useful to us.

One thing to note is to get support from councils we might be required to have PLI of 5million.

Step 3) Try and get some support from sports development people in Norwich.
Bocking is an interesting sport, and I think that the Norwich parkour guys have some support. If we did have this kind of support I think it would do wonders for our reputation and could benefit us greatly. If they support us then we would for sure have to have some spaces to do this and maybe even gyms. There are very few gyms that will take us around here, there are very few good bocking places so we might be able to get some help.

But, to get support from other organisations we need to have some kind of structure as a club/group. Everybody will have to be covered by PLI too. At the moment we can use the YBBs as an example, and say this is what we are working towards. But to say that we need to take steps in the right direction.

Insurance and club structure.

If you have read my rather long essay then you will see that both insurance and structure are mentioned a lot. It is key in any of the above stuff really. Without it we are leaving other people liable for our actions and we will not be able to get any council support without it. There are also a few events we have been asked to attend which we wont be able to do without PLI. Most people I have spoken to about PLI have been supportive of the idea.

But, in order to get club insurance we need some kind of structure as a club. That will need to include a small committee of 3 or 4 people and a formal list of group members. To get insurance we will need to provide membership details and the list of members. It will also mean we will need to have some kind of annual subscription to cover the cost of the PLI.

Last thing I am going to say is about safety at meets. We are fairly good about this already but in order to prove this, prove we are responsible enough to bock in public areas we should have a safety brief and a couple of rules. I mean, we do most of the stuff already whether we know it or not. Things like watching out for pedestrians getting too close to people doing tricks, making sure if an area gets too crowded we move away ect.

All this is totally doable, alone it is a huge task. But if everybody does a small amount it can happen. Trip has already stepped up to help. Hopefully people can see the reasons we need to begin getting some structure and organisation and will offer to help out.

And sorry, none of the above info is really my own. It is just all the info I have got over the last few days, just collated.

I will look at getting quotes for PLI and writing a letter soon.


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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #74 on: February 25, 2009, 01:35:52 PM »
Back to the council, we bock at the forum because we think it is safe and we are always thinking of safety and are aware of people around us. If we were to bock around the market, or anywhere down that road it would be irresponsible and dangerous.

You've put a lot of thought into it.

But I'd word the a bit differently has is sound like.
If we can't do it there, we'll do it here !   :Cmad:

Don't point out the negatives say somthing more like
"We are reponsible people and believe the Fourm offers us a nice setting where both we and the public can be aware of one another. We walk around the crouded market and near by streets without any problems. " :Csmile: