Author Topic: Summer Warning  (Read 2493 times)

Offline Jason

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Summer Warning
« on: April 19, 2009, 09:25:36 PM »
Summer is here and I had a nasty reminder of this today

We were all out for 3 hrs in the sun and I went a bit over the top bouncing wise and didn't drink much

Later I became Dizzy (like being drunk) had trouble focusing (vision wise) and felt Nauseous

A couple of people have told me I had mild heat exaustion (also I believe know as Sun/Heat stroke)

This can become serious if allowed to go to far so drink enough when you are exercising and rest a bit if the sun is hot

If anyone has more medical knowledge of how to aviod this or treat it please feel free to poste below

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK:

Ps by the way lots of water a pizza and a beer and I am fine now (apart from the Cramp  :Claugh: )

Offline darfgarf

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Re: Summer Warning
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2009, 09:33:36 PM »
oh yuck, heatstroke isn't nice, had it ages ago when i was a kid, sat out in a field playing with something (making something, can't remember much) for about 2 hours, felt like crap for the next few days.

pretty much just keep hydrated, and out of the sun if needed, once you get to the feeling drunk stage it's time for a break, whether you're really drunk or not

Offline Spud

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Re: Summer Warning
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2009, 10:26:01 PM »
I actually got this in Thailand first time I went there (maybe second)...a few hours before the flight home  :Cconfused: Was extremely unpleasant.

When I got it I couldn't actually stand up. Totally disorientated, didn't know what time it was. I knew I was on walking street tho. I was very very sick, had an evil headache and I think I passed out several times. It came on very quickly. I was fine, had been down the beach all day as usual. We were walking down to grab some food and I just couldnt stand up, dizzy, like I was wasted as you described and felt very ill...and I actually was very sick.

As bad as it was for a couple of hours it was actually quite easy to fix...I drank the water out of 3 coconuts, a bottle of coke and after about an hour I felt ok again. Came out of it as quick as I went in. It was like waking up. Felt lieka  new day. Very strange.

Anyway...the problem was not drinking. I have since been back to thailand 2 or 3 times and have not suffered from it again. Prevention is far better than the cure. Just drink a lot, keep hydrated and keep out the sun if you can. I am not sure if suncream has an effect but the first year I burnt really bad. So then after I have caked myself in the stuff (no joke) still got burnt one day but it was very hot. Did not have any sunstroke tho, but some evenings I felt a bit wishy washy, kinda not quite with it. I guess that could be mild sunstroke.


Offline darfgarf

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Re: Summer Warning
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2009, 11:27:12 PM »
don't think sun cream does anything for it, but if you burn easily/at all it's still a very good idea, sunburn+bocks would be horrible beyond what it is normally(the sunburn that is, bocking is great all teh time)

Offline Charlie B

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Re: Summer Warning
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2009, 08:17:14 AM »
The two are related ie spend time in the sun = radiation and heat = sunburn, high heat and humidity = sunstroke

Former is easy, be careful especially when sun is at its highest 12-3pm. Wear high factor sun cream or preferably sun block. Wear a hat, cover up.

sunstroke : Main cause is dehydration. have water with you at all times and take regular sips. If you start drinking when you are thirsty you are already getting dehydrated. Also if you are hot get into shade and cover up to prevent your body temp rising too high.

Alcohol can have an effect as it affects your bodies ability to regulate temperature and also dehydrates you. the effects can take up to 5/7 days to clear your system.

main suggestion is that if you expect to attend a long session ie carnivals do not have a heavy session the night before, preferably stay dry for a couple of nights.

Incidentally alcohol also impairs your balance for up to 8 hours after you have had a drink.
Grow old disgracefully

Offline Bexx

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Re: Summer Warning
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2009, 09:30:05 AM »

You should have had a bottle of water instead of that ice cream  :Cwink:

hope you are feelin better ---

I am bruised on the sides both elbows (my right worse then my left as i prob put my strongest hand forward) aswell as a slight bruise on the middle of my right wrist..... nevermind, I am quite durable  :Csmile:

No-Longer down south :(  I will miss london -- but I will be back, oh yes

Offline clive

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Re: Summer Warning
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2009, 10:38:25 AM »
hi good to here your ok bexx that was some fall you took and from a hight , think jason being the giant he is was alot closer to the sun than us ,so he took the heat more,,i was ok i stayed in his shadow all the time lol  :Ctwitcy: :Cyes: :Cwink: :Cchatterbox: :Straddle5:

Offline Jason

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Re: Summer Warning
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2009, 10:22:30 PM »
Glad to hear your OK Bexx that was one hell of a front slap it made me cringe

Life in my shadow hey Clive  :Claugh:

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK:

Offline toddy

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Re: Summer Warning
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2009, 10:24:48 PM »
well jason you are sooooo big we are all in your shadow.

any way it is not good to hear you getting sunstroke, hope not many people get it as it is really bad and can be alot worse results than that

Offline Jason

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Re: Summer Warning
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2009, 08:14:07 PM »
Yep sunstroke can be fatal but I think mine was more heat exhaustion the strange thing is I didn't feel thirsty so didn't drink and that was the problem

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK: