Author Topic: Distances and Stresses  (Read 4003 times)

Offline henrynh

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Distances and Stresses
« on: May 03, 2009, 08:41:58 AM »

I'm considering getting a pair of these things and I'd appreciate your input on two question topics:

What is running like?  Could I do this for the eight kilometers to work and back?  Does anyone commute with these?

How is it on the body?  Adding 40cm or whatever to a limb will naturally increase the moments on the joints beyond what they were designed to handle.  Muscles will become stronger but the moment arm on the knee seems to be doubled with the addition of the stilts and I'm not convinced muscle development can handle that all.  I have knee problems for running (but not skiing, inline, skating, road biking, mountain biking) and I'm also concerned about the impact I'd be experiencing.  The energy is dissipated over a greater distance and time but there's more of it...

I appreciate any and all comments.  Thank you.


Offline Jason

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Re: Distances and Stresses
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2009, 10:51:36 AM »
Hi henrynh

First the running bit 8k would be possible but a mix of walking and jogging as keeping up a run on them for any length of time would take a very high level of fittness If you already can run the 8k to work you would probably do it but it might take you longer

The main use of these is fitness and fun and meeting a great bunch of people

Impact is not a problem I have mild back and knee problems and have dammaged my achiles tendon (not on Bocks  :Claugh: ) and can still use them I was also advised to give up jogging (by my Doctor ) due to lower leg fractures caused by jogging and have had no problems with Bocks

It is possible to hyper extend knees but you build up the muscles to compensate and we have had very few cases of serious knee/upper leg injuries in the sport despite some spectacular spills

The main impact areas are B*m and wrists during falls so good wrist guards and a well padded seat are a must  :Claugh:

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK:

Offline Charlie B

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Re: Distances and Stresses
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2009, 11:23:20 AM »
Agree with all jason has said. the impact of running is actually less as the springs act as a shock absorber. I have a hip problem that stops me road running.

The real issue is that you do not actually run on stilts, you bound. the bodyweight and technique is to power down on each stride to compress the spring. This is more work than pure running. You are also carrying approx 3.5 kg extra weight on each leg so you are moving that too.

The next area is technique, if you bound like most people run with toes pointing away from the centreline then this is exagerated at the rear of the stilt and you catch your springs together and you will fall.

Generally 400m is about where fit people start to tire and technique suffers so leads to either a stop to gain breath or a fall as the springs catch together.

Finally speed over short distances can be up to 30 mph. I can get 20/25 mph but need to wear protective clothing (PJ Body Armour) if bounding at this speed otherwise you get a nasty case of road rash if you fall.

Most of us use the stilts for bouncing and urban tricks rather than for running
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Offline henrynh

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Re: Distances and Stresses
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2009, 11:44:11 AM »
Thanks Jason, just what I wanted to know.  I've read through a bunch of the threads in the injury section as well.  There's a lot of good information to be found.  I haven't seen anything about side-to-side stability.  Imagine rolling your ankle, that kind of sideways movement.  If the lower leg is fixed in the bock, the next thing to give would be the knee and there's a huge arm for some good leverage on that joint.  Perhaps this isn't a concern, it's hard for me to tell, but how do they feel with regards to inward (or outward) buckling?  I saw a video that looked like what a baby deer or cow looks like at birth - knees kind of inward and feet outward, making kind of a ^ shape from the knees down.  It seems like that would be killer on the joints, but you have to be doing something wrong to end up in that position I suppose.

Charlie B, thanks.  Good to know.  I suppose it is more of a bound than a jog or run.  That's a good point too, pushing past fatigue is a bit dangerous because of the increased chances of getting sloppy and tripping up. 


Offline Jason

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Re: Distances and Stresses
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2009, 08:51:48 PM »
Before you get to the stage of damaging joints the Bocks flip out from under you and you sit down side ways  :Claugh: so leverage isn't a problem but gravity is  :Claugh:

The most likely way to damage a joint is during a fall if you twist a leg under you then the leverage would come into play but I have never seen anyone fall like that and self presevation would make most people avoid crossing their leg as they fall

My best advice is to get a pair even if you can't run in them you won't regret it they are the most fun you can have with your clothes on  :Claugh:

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK:

Offline henrynh

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Re: Distances and Stresses
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2009, 09:11:27 PM »
Cheers Jason.  Now to find the right manufacture, model, armour/protection, and a box of bandages.  I'll be looking in southern Germany.  Thanks.

Offline lynch

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Re: Distances and Stresses
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2009, 09:11:45 PM »
self presevation would make most people avoid crossing their leg as they fall

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK:

its not crossing your legs that hurts i didnt fall but i twisted my knee like you would twist a ankel and that hurt but the best thing for it was to walk it off most of the falls on bocks are small and nothing really becomes of it as long as you where safty gear
but stop asking reasion not to get them and look and teh 100s of reasions to get them i dont know why you havent got them yet they are the best things ive ever bought and i just bought a car

Offline dr dan

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Re: Distances and Stresses
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2009, 02:28:56 AM »
Before you get to the stage of damaging joints the Bocks flip out from under you and you sit down side ways  :Claugh: so leverage isn't a problem but gravity is  :Claugh:

The most likely way to damage a joint is during a fall if you twist a leg under you then the leverage would come into play but I have never seen anyone fall like that and self presevation would make most people avoid crossing their leg as they fall

My best advice is to get a pair even if you can't run in them you won't regret it they are the most fun you can have with your clothes on  :Claugh:

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK:

abuse of the   :Claugh: emoticon

what a db

Offline darfgarf

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Re: Distances and Stresses
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2009, 10:10:02 AM »

Offline sprog

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Re: Distances and Stresses
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2009, 12:02:07 PM »
I think he just called a moderator a douchebag... Ready, Aim, BAN :Claugh:

Offline darfgarf

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Re: Distances and Stresses
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2009, 12:29:03 PM »
oh yeah, that makes sense... :Claugh: :Claugh: :Claugh: :Claugh:

Offline Charlie B

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Re: Distances and Stresses
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2009, 01:44:03 PM »
One last point on knee lateral stability. If you are fit and your quads and muscles around the knee are strong, you will not have a problem. If like me you are old and knackered or do not have strong quads

a) Build them up,

b) get a good pair of knee braces, mine are macdonalds
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Offline Fysh

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Re: Distances and Stresses
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2009, 02:20:59 PM »

Offline Jason

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Re: Distances and Stresses
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2009, 08:41:56 PM »
 :Claugh: Well anyone that has met me would know that most of the time I'm  :Claugh: so it's not abuse from me  :Claugh:

And I will take db to mean Dapper Bloke  :Claugh:

By the way what are you a Doctor of Dan  :Claugh:

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK: