Author Topic: Should I get new stilts?  (Read 2017 times)

Offline Biohazard

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Should I get new stilts?
« on: July 23, 2009, 10:12:18 AM »
Well I have been bocking for about 10 months now, and have gotten Ok'ish at bocking.
The problem is that my stilts which are apparently Skyrunners, however I have had no major problems with them and the bushings are still in a good condition.
They were advertised as Poweriser PR7090's, when I bought these I weighed about 65kg's(which was underweight anyway for the springs) but now I weigh 55kg's and I have been finding the springs very stiff.
I have never bottomed them out even when jumping from a ledge, which I find annoying since I don't think I am getting te full potential out of the springs.

Recently I have been considering buying some 7 Leagues, but at a hefty price of £300 I am wondering if it is worth buyng over a pair of Pro Jumps.
Pro Jumps probably wouldn't be too much of an upgrade for me, that is why I am considering 7 Leagues.
Now the question is?
Should I upgrade my stilts and if so should I get 7's or PJ's?

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Re: Should I get new stilts?
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2009, 10:43:39 AM »
I think it would be a good idea to find out what springs you have first. If we assume you have skyrunners (most people think you do) then see what they are. Because if they are not risers then they are not 70-90's ;) They will be m60, 70, 80 ect ect. There maybe a little sticker saying what they are on the spring or something written on the bottom.

I think having the right springs will be a good upgrade regardless of 7's/PJs so just find out of you have the right springs first.


Offline Biohazard

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Re: Should I get new stilts?
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2009, 10:46:26 AM »
Well they feel like the equivalent of 80 or 90 kg springs to me, I will check for a sticker.