Author Topic: North East meet  (Read 10117 times)

Offline Canned-Heat

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Re: North East meet
« Reply #25 on: November 02, 2009, 10:38:50 AM »
hiya guys

well i recon if we all happy with tyne tees bockers then thats what we call it :)

congrats everyone we now have northeast bocking group.

Right! now what do we do haha we need a logo anyone good at stuff like that?

Offline Hilly-of-the-Marshes

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Re: North East meet
« Reply #26 on: November 02, 2009, 12:03:46 PM »
oh i hadnt even suggested the best one

we could be the Bocking/Bouncing Northern People

or BNP for shor.... oh wait, yeah that one's taken

If we're going with TTBs i think either maybe a logo with the shape of the rivers or landmarks of the local area with some bocking stuff - I'll get some vague stuff knocked up - but we might want a decent meet first so we can get some pics to silhouette with

and if we do shirts or anything - using zazzle might be a good idea, 'cos then its easy enough to edit yourselves and put names on etc, or change the pics to one of yourself

the thing is the bocking season is kinda over except gyms - so if we get some gym meets going now, we can help each other out and should be ready to come back bocking with a vengeance in 2010 at which point we could start getting more regular meets sorted and clothes and stuff (which we could get updated designs perhaps yearly so we don't get bored and everyone can have a say on a new shirt design - maybe even do it competition style)

urr yeah, rather a lot there - discuss

Offline TomH999

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Re: North East meet
« Reply #27 on: November 02, 2009, 02:46:15 PM »
just get everyone to design soemthing in photoshop or paint for that matter and see what looks good. put it to vote

Offline Hilly-of-the-Marshes

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Re: North East meet
« Reply #28 on: November 02, 2009, 04:44:18 PM »
ok, so send any ideas to me & i'll make a poll in a couple of weeks- when several entries are in, and we can vote on what's best - nice & democratic like

my email should be on my profile on here, if not, pm me and i'll send it to you
« Last Edit: November 02, 2009, 07:13:53 PM by Hilly-of-the-Marshes »

Offline Kazbahn

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Re: North East meet
« Reply #29 on: November 02, 2009, 10:05:15 PM »
sounds good ;) now to get thinking of logos :P

And to try and find a gym we could meet in :D

Offline gazzat5

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Re: North East meet
« Reply #30 on: November 12, 2009, 10:05:06 PM »
superflyrico has a skate park here in Newcastle...
with a bungee rope harness thingy... ;)
we keep meaning to go over there..

Btw was anyone bouncing around Newcastle the other day? I heard unconfirmed reports of bockers flipping around here lol

Offline Kazbahn

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Re: North East meet
« Reply #31 on: November 12, 2009, 10:48:42 PM »
It wasnt me :P

That skate park looks good btw :P

We ought to arrange to go there as a group some time

Offline Hilly-of-the-Marshes

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Re: North East meet
« Reply #32 on: November 22, 2009, 06:19:41 PM »
just bumping this to say i've only a total of two designs in for a TTB's logo, so its still wide open, plus im gonna work on another as soon as i can get F4L to install right, but it may be easier to just use GIMP and have it look awful for the moment, but would love to see some more logo ideas, so i can put a poll up for us to decide whats best

in addition, if anyone has any gyms where we know prices & could go quite soon, and could possibly organise a gym meet at all, it would be nice to meet up again before xmas

Offline Kazbahn

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Re: North East meet
« Reply #33 on: November 22, 2009, 10:16:21 PM »
I've been looking into renting the gym hall at the sports centre in alnwick, but the management there is a bunch of block-heads who don't listen or care, so i don't know if i'll be able to get any permission to use their hall.

Offline TheWhiteBocker

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Re: North East meet
« Reply #34 on: December 21, 2009, 01:00:09 AM »
I think everybody should meet up again sometime in January in newcastle because i can't drive  :Cno:   But we have a group for North-Easters  which is Black & White bockers- generally more for newcastle but there's a website, youtube and everything already set up ( because im so organised, well my friend is )  :PJ101John:        

Offline Hilly-of-the-Marshes

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Re: North East meet
« Reply #35 on: December 21, 2009, 01:08:25 AM »
except we've been talking along these lines for a while and been getting things sorted, and have some more stuff upcoming, let everybody hae their say on a name rather than what you're doing, which is just forcing it in your own direction.

dont get me wrong, i admire your spirit, but you didnt really bring this up early enough, in which case i know i at least would have voted against your group naming (not least because of the way it could be misconstrued as having racial implications) and you taking control of a growing when you have little experience of the community in general, i dont mean this maliciously, you have every right to start a group, but we've been working at this ourselves & you're kind of dropping a huge steaming pile of faeces on top of it

Offline TheWhiteBocker

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Re: North East meet
« Reply #36 on: December 21, 2009, 01:16:42 AM »
Well  i didn't even know there was any other group, im just giving other people the option and i have been talking to kazbahn for a couple of weeks about everything, and why can't there be 2 groups ?  because there is no way i can travel to middlesborough and other places outside of my area and that was why me and my friend decided on making a group as we didn't think/know there was many other bockers in the NE nevermind newcastle
« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 01:20:01 AM by TheWhiteBocker »

Offline Hilly-of-the-Marshes

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Re: North East meet
« Reply #37 on: December 21, 2009, 01:30:56 AM »
like i say, i see no problem with another group, but there could be implications with your name being thought of as having racial implications, which would not be a good image for the sport

as for not knowing, we've spoken of it several times, had you done your research there were several threads which should have been brought up by a simple search

i appreciate that it can be difficult to travel between the two, but we hve been talking of coming up, and there can always be meets at both places - i know i wont be able to make many meets in newastle at least until my next loan comes through, but will try my best

should there be a schism between the bockers in the area, it may be possible to have two groups as subgroups of one larger group - with occasional meets under one banner, or in seperate banners and have some friendly competition, though you should know, that were that to happen - the 'Boro Bockers would blow the BWB out of the water    :Claugh: :Cwink:

Offline TheWhiteBocker

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Re: North East meet
« Reply #38 on: December 21, 2009, 01:34:43 AM »
Yeah but you are able to travel, im 13 and physically wouldn't be able to go unless i went with my 30yr old friends who live in middlesborough but they come up like 3 times a year or something.  And BlackAndWhite isn't really racist or anything because it would be black and white, and considering it's for newcastle's home/main colours im guessing people would understand.  anyways better go, laptop battery running low and charger downstairs     :Claugh:

And never, boro' bockers would never do it   lol,  im sure a "group" of 2 teenage girls would be far more amusing   :L

Offline Hilly-of-the-Marshes

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Re: North East meet
« Reply #39 on: December 21, 2009, 01:36:30 AM »
actually on second thoughts, that sounds like a good idea

we could have larger occasional meets less regularly, but having two groups, so close to eachother could introduce some friendly tyne/tees competition, really driving the groups to better themselves, and we could find som ways of making the sport competitive

high jump is an old favourite, we could set up short races, long jump, judged routines & tricks (single & groups)... discuss

and as for the name, im not saying it IS racist, im saying it could be seen that way - not everybody would make the connection to football as they're very different sports - with the main difference being that one is good, fun, entertaining, different and not performed by such overpaid pansies
« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 01:39:00 AM by Hilly-of-the-Marshes »

Offline TheWhiteBocker

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Re: North East meet
« Reply #40 on: December 21, 2009, 01:38:57 AM »
Sounds good, and then we could all get together maybe once a month or so as a whole Tyne- tees bocking community and do races/events for charity  :Csmile:   but deciding on a charity may be  a hard one but whatevers best  :Cnotworthy:

Offline Canned-Heat

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Re: North East meet
« Reply #41 on: December 21, 2009, 11:52:54 AM »
Not been funny hear guys, but who really gives a s**t how many groups there are or what they are called. i just wanna bounce and have loads of fun :) and if we all happy then its all good. lets just have less thinkin less talking and a whole lot more bocking, god sake! its christmas :)

Offline TheWhiteBocker

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Re: North East meet
« Reply #42 on: December 21, 2009, 12:18:11 PM »
Most people care about groups and evyerthng, as it gives the group a label instead of :  the random people bocking all over the north-east of england.
And we all want to bock aswell but deciding on a group doesn't stop/prevent you bocking at all because you can bock while other people work things out or whatever.  And i also think we all wanna just bounce around and have fun but people would need to organise things if you want to bock with other people.

Offline Hilly-of-the-Marshes

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Re: North East meet
« Reply #43 on: December 21, 2009, 12:56:25 PM »
god sake! its christmas :)

im an atheist it makes no difference - the values associated with christmas (good will to all men etc.) should apply at any time of year to any decent person, so ireally dont see any relevance

as for less talk more bocking - theres kind of snow around, although im back home t the moment and there's even more down here

Offline Canned-Heat

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Re: North East meet
« Reply #44 on: December 22, 2009, 10:46:39 AM »
well maybe there is a new sport right there infront of u. skating on stilts ;)

Offline Hilly-of-the-Marshes

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Re: North East meet
« Reply #45 on: December 22, 2009, 03:23:20 PM »
the staff of a portable ice rink offered once, but meh