Author Topic: skyrunners  (Read 11771 times)

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Re: skyrunners
« Reply #25 on: December 01, 2009, 10:36:04 AM »
I feel the fact that they were chosen to be used in the Beijing Olympics says plenty about them.
You might be right about what you said but I don't think this is a fair argument for it. The stilts were bought for a large amount of people for a relatively short amount of time and if I were organising the closing ceremony then really they are only being used for a less than 5 min performance. I wouln't invest a lot of money in these for such a small part of the show. I imagine they got quotes and went for the cheapest.

I do agree with the points made tho :D Well mostly. I wouldn't say that the stilts are even as good as projumps. I have used skyrunners. The later model too I think. And actually, initially they are pretty good. I am not sure how they would hold up after some time but hey, they are ok. Biggest problems I found. Bindings don't grip well, hard to get tight. Springs, better than fibreglass but not as good as FL carbon. They feel quite alike but the energy return isn't as good. The plastic brackets are not good enough to hold cuffs (they are just like those on early PJ models) I can't comment on hoofs. The bushings are ok.

Btw, powerskip springs do break. But they are the most responsive springs out there and for a pro, earning from them is worth it.  I would agree with the poweriser comment tho.

Even Naz says it. Every pair of stilts have pro's and cons and there is no perfect pair.

@DC Please don't go there with those bocks. That needs a whole new thread. They are the kind PJ have been testing, just got released in the US and they have been talked about loads. The things you mentioned have been talked about loads...and even tho it might be a challenge to see these things compared to old versions the problems with them are actually pretty minor. The design itself actually works. I think it just needs tweaking. Gotta remember FL are a bit like microsoft. Release buggy OS first, service packs + bug fixes later.

Give it a year :D

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Re: skyrunners
« Reply #26 on: December 01, 2009, 10:44:47 AM »
LMAO, the comparison to Microsoft was great :P
they look good but they seem like they are putting more presure on the springs  :Cconfused: and over time that will mean we have to fork out more for springs.
 but owell, to hell with SkyRunner's they are ok but the springs break and the frame is weak :D


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Re: skyrunners
« Reply #27 on: December 01, 2009, 10:48:58 AM »
I think for anybody to see that it works and that joint is actually pretty good will need people to see them in action for real. I havn't but I do have confidence in projump and how they are tested.
And lol, the microsoft comparison is so fair :D


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Re: skyrunners
« Reply #28 on: December 01, 2009, 12:31:54 PM »
The stilts were bought for a large amount of people for a relatively short amount of time and if I were organising the closing ceremony then really they are only being used for a less than 5 min performance. I wouln't invest a lot of money in these for such a small part of the show. I imagine they got quotes and went for the cheapest.

Sorry to insist here however, they were used through intensive training done by Jeff Jay. Henry posted a video of it on PP. Lord knows how many hours were put into that in order to get the athletes up to scratch. But one thing you have overlooked is the need for some level of reliability. Just imagine how it would have looked if any one of those Skyrunners snapped a spring during the festival!! You imagine they searched for the cheapest and I appreciate you are entitled to your own opinion but bearing in mind the stakes at hand, I doubt they could afford that kind of risk. But hey, that's just MY opinion also.

Let's not forget that Skyrunners are not covered by the patent in China. Over there, maybe they are considered to be a good product?

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Re: skyrunners
« Reply #29 on: December 01, 2009, 01:23:06 PM »
to  all who mentioned my skyrunners thankyou  they are ok i guess for me as an old beginer imagine a 35 yr old man hoping up and down 18inc in the air i must be mad but i love this sport i will have to join a club in wales and get some good stuff going
and get a decent pair

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Re: skyrunners
« Reply #30 on: December 01, 2009, 01:48:42 PM »
The stilts were bought for a large amount of people for a relatively short amount of time and if I were organising the closing ceremony then really they are only being used for a less than 5 min performance. I wouln't invest a lot of money in these for such a small part of the show. I imagine they got quotes and went for the cheapest.

Sorry to insist here however, they were used through intensive training done by Jeff Jay. Henry posted a video of it on PP. Lord knows how many hours were put into that in order to get the athletes up to scratch. But one thing you have overlooked is the need for some level of reliability. Just imagine how it would have looked if any one of those Skyrunners snapped a spring during the festival!! You imagine they searched for the cheapest and I appreciate you are entitled to your own opinion but bearing in mind the stakes at hand, I doubt they could afford that kind of risk. But hey, that's just MY opinion also.

Let's not forget that Skyrunners are not covered by the patent in China. Over there, maybe they are considered to be a good product?
I guess we will never know the truth  :Ctwitcy: I did see the video. I mean, I said it myself. Skyrunners are not a bad product. I just don't think that the fact they were used in the olympics were a good arguement for it. I used the cost argument to show there could be other reasons. It may have been they were the only factory to make them look how they wanted. It could have been they were cheap and the budget was tight. It might have been that the person that decided what bocks didn't know loads about them before purchase. Or, as you said. They might be the best bocks. I wasn't dissagreeing with your point. Just the examples you used to evidence it. Also, in terms of reliablity, skyrunners are like other stilts in the way that if they are going to break they are most likely to do it early on (in training in this case) If they really couldn't afford one to break they would have gone for 7's-the most reliable stilts.

to  all who mentioned my skyrunners thankyou  they are ok i guess for me as an old beginer imagine a 35 yr old man hoping up and down 18inc in the air i must be mad but i love this sport i will have to join a club in wales and get some good stuff going
and get a decent pair

Check out the welsh bockers. I can't remember the URL but google it. You wont regret it. Nicest guys around.


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Re: skyrunners
« Reply #31 on: December 01, 2009, 02:02:36 PM »
imagine a 35 yr old man hoping up and down 18inc in the air i must be mad but i love this sport

Swap the digits and you've identified me! That's right, 53 yrs, overweight with a seriously damaged spinal column, bounding around like a lunatic.
All my friends try to talk me out of it. My wife isn't eaxctly over the moon either. But, like you, I love this sport to pieces!

Here's an event we did last Saturday night (the cane was just a prop used to feign being an old man with lumbago on stilts!).

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Re: skyrunners
« Reply #32 on: December 01, 2009, 02:10:29 PM »
If they really couldn't afford one to break they would have gone for 7's-the most reliable stilts.

What, the Chinese, makers of the most sold stilts in the world, with the ability and desire to clone almost anything, would import a competitor's product?  :Cnah:
Well it could be possible but I doubt I will see it in my lifetime.

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Re: skyrunners
« Reply #33 on: December 01, 2009, 02:53:52 PM »
You either totally missed my point or you are trying to make me look like an idiot. And it wouldnt be the first time. Please stop putting words into my mouth and taking the things i have said out of context using it against me.

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Re: skyrunners
« Reply #34 on: December 01, 2009, 03:12:00 PM »
My round up may be a bit controversial but oh well  :P

1. Skyrunners - imho not seen any in the last year but before that they were very bad, the frames were weak and so were the springs. With regards to using them for the Olympics I think it would have been a matter of who can get the the stilts ready in time, with FL having more contracts with companies maybe they couldn't fulfil it and skyrunners may have been the next choice. Many Chinese companies were claiming to have given them stilts so it may have also been a case of many companies contributing. JJ's had some earlier this year I think they found the frames were ok but the springs were really bad but I'm sure sprog will give you some more info.

2. PoweriSers - imho they were a great choice but since the last year both the springs and the frame has given customers a headache, with a few mods the frame can be sorted but the springs need work, I believe this is something they are working on at the moment Pro-Jumps (FL brands) would be a better choice. These are the only known manufacturer that produces their stilts in a country outside of China.

3. 7 Leagues - imho they simply are not worth the money, the frames have failures that need to be looked at and solved, the springs are great but only if you are under 95kg in actual weight people above that feel they can bottom out too frequently and do not get the best that they could. They do however have the best spring covers, slightly longer lasting soles - "maybe" and bushings that last slightly longer but they are not everlasting. If they were around the £200 mark I would say they are best of the cheaper brands but at their current price it is not justified. Contrary to popular belief 7's are also made in a factory in China.

4. Pro-Jumps (FL Brands) The frames have consistently proved to be of a great quality, the springs are of a good character and are becoming more and more reliable - the new springs that are getting developed if they can make them reliable they may prove to be better than 7s, the rubber soles last well but importers are often let down with the odd bad batch, the bushings could be better but if you look after them they will last - replacements are not too expensive but its something that could be improved, the spring cover is something else that needs work on.  Overall at the moment for what you get for the money spent these are the best choice imo

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Re: skyrunners
« Reply #35 on: December 01, 2009, 04:23:16 PM »
You either totally missed my point or you are trying to make me look like an idiot. And it wouldnt be the first time. Please stop putting words into my mouth and taking the things i have said out of context using it against me.

It was a joke based on the concept of "perish the thought they would do such a thing!"
You need to cool off Spud. You take everything so personally!

@ Naz
Everyone has the right to their opinion but let's agree to differ where 7's are concerned. I'm not saying they don't have their faults but compared with Powerisers they eat them for brekky! And I have never yet had a single complaint of a twisted frame. There again, the 2009 frames were beefed up by another half millimetre so maybe your comment was based on feedback received from people owning 2007/8 models? S-Rex owners swear by them. I weigh 90 kg but am unable to get a pair of S-Rex's to flex. My own are T-Rex's and they are sheer heaven to use ...very, very comfortable and responsive. I'm not an extreme jumper so far from qualified to discuss bottoming out.

Pro-Jumps are IMHO, very nice. I wouldn't put them above 7's although that day may yet arrive. I tend to agree with all you said about Pro-Jumps and to be honest, at this moment in time they are a better choice than Poweriser. But, FL should not sit on their laurels because Poweriser are well aware of their problems and are working to regain their reputation. New springs and bindings have been ready for several months and were exposed in Germany earlier this year where several dealers met to test them and make a decision as to which spring should be used in the final production run. I'm not privy as to why they have not yet released them.

My main critique of all the stilts currently available is that they need to be lighter ...MUCH LIGHTER! Their weight impedes the user from gaining the true available height.

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Re: skyrunners
« Reply #36 on: December 01, 2009, 04:31:24 PM »
7 Leagues - imho they simply are not worth the money, the frames have failures that need to be looked at and solved, the springs are great but only if you are under 95kg in actual weight people above that feel they can bottom out too frequently

Thats something i completely agree with, and im only 85kgs.
they seem to be great for people who dont have that good a technique yet but them s-rex superpro fatboy stilts or whatever they are called are just way to soft for me to entertain.

the sky runners i had to be fair to em were not bad, they were not best stilts but they were not the death traps everyone trys to imply runners are.
I moved over to pro jumps when i could no longer find spares for my runners

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Re: skyrunners
« Reply #37 on: December 01, 2009, 04:34:24 PM »
My comments with regards to the 7's frames are that failure rate can be classed as high as they sell less volumes than FL stilts yet more faults are reported so it could mean that there is a higher % of failures and they have had some extreme failures too which I don't think any other brand have had. They are in some ways better but I do think the price is way too high for what you get and the product has been over hyped.

I actually welcome changes, in an ideal world I would like to sell all stilts but some manufacturers / importers will not allow that and I believe that Pro-Jumps for us are a good seller and a good product overall and I would not stop selling them for any other product even though the profit margins are greater on other brands.

I also believe every stilt brand has flaws and every manufacturer needs to step up their game and start being more innovative. In the last 2 years the only manufacturer who has stepped away from the "norm" is FL but sadly they are their own worst enemies by releasing products before they are ready for public use. I am more confident with this new version however we will not release them until the flaws in the version 1 are looked into and version 2 is tested properly and we are confident with it.

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Re: skyrunners
« Reply #38 on: December 01, 2009, 04:52:59 PM »
2. PoweriSers - imho they were a great choice but since the last year both the springs and the frame has given customers a headache,
i have some risers and i think the build quality is pretty good, the frame is solid. Although the footplate and bindings are a real turn off for me, they really need to look into more comfortable straps without having to spend loads on snowboarding bindings. webbing footstraps is the way forward :D

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Re: skyrunners
« Reply #39 on: December 01, 2009, 06:18:14 PM »
i have some risers and i think the build quality is pretty good, the frame is solid.
Generally speaking they are :) I was referring to the frame warp issue that many users had last year, I believe that they were implementing some fix for that (XS may able to highlight the part I am talking about as he created a mod for it) Also the spring issue was many users felt that they were far to stiff and the return was not as good as it should be.

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Re: skyrunners
« Reply #40 on: December 01, 2009, 07:23:05 PM »
1. Skyrunners - imho not seen any in the last year but before that they were very bad, the frames were weak and so were the springs. With regards to using them for the Olympics I think it would have been a matter of who can get the the stilts ready in time, with FL having more contracts with companies maybe they couldn't fulfil it and skyrunners may have been the next choice. Many Chinese companies were claiming to have given them stilts so it may have also been a case of many companies contributing. JJ's had some earlier this year I think they found the frames were ok but the springs were really bad but I'm sure sprog will give you some more info.
SkyRunner frames are incredibly varied, with pretty much no quality control that I could see. The framework varied in thickness, there were some dodgy-looking welds in places, and some were pretty noisy too. Some, on the other hand, were actually pretty good.
The main problem is with the springs. They were poorly constructed, if you look at normals springs when they snap they're made up of multiple, super-thin layers of fibreglass that create a nice surface that breaks apart evenly. SkyRunner springs, however, seem like they have been slapped together in a rush. The layers of fibreglass vary in thickness, resulting in a spring with multiple stiff and weak points across one area, which is (IMO) what causes them to snap. When looking at a snapped spring it's clear to see where is snapped, as rather than breaking evenly the edges are quite jagged and rough. That's the main reason I'm against SkyRunner, they may be cheap, and although violating the patent is certainly a bad thing, it is the poor build quality that is the worst thing about them.

I believe we all make derogatory comments against them based largely on hearsay and not due to personal experience with them. Because the manufacturer continues to insult the patent owner with his "less than ethical" marketing practices, we rally together to trash his product at every given opportunity. I repeat, there was some merit to the negativity based on the earlier MkI models but since the MkII's were released I have not encountered many dissatisfied users.
Having seen the JJs go through about 12 MkII's within a month or so, I'd say they still have a long way to go.

2. PoweriSers - imho they were a great choice but since the last year both the springs and the frame has given customers a headache, with a few mods the frame can be sorted but the springs need work, I believe this is something they are working on at the moment Pro-Jumps (FL brands) would be a better choice. These are the only known manufacturer that produces their stilts in a country outside of China.
My 2005 PR5070 springs are pretty stiff, I think that has always been the downfall of riSers. I'm not sure if they'll ever get it quite right. The frame quality was brilliant and the hooves lasted for ages until last year, when a few of the problems showed up. The advantage of riSers were they were the only cheap brand with cuffs and better bindings, but that's now not the case so there's no reason to choose them over others.

3. 7 Leagues - imho they simply are not worth the money, the frames have failures that need to be looked at and solved, the springs are great but only if you are under 95kg in actual weight people above that feel they can bottom out too frequently and do not get the best that they could. They do however have the best spring covers, slightly longer lasting soles - "maybe" and bushings that last slightly longer but they are not everlasting. If they were around the £200 mark I would say they are best of the cheaper brands but at their current price it is not justified. Contrary to popular belief 7's are also made in a factory in China.
Agreed, 7s are overpriced. However, I disagree on the frame failures bit Naz, there's only 2 recorded incidents of the frames imploding (Locky and Bobman), and they could quite simply have been something that slipped through quality control accidentally, or because Locky and Bobman seriously beat their stilts around and maybe knocked that area a few too many times. I'd say the other failures with twisted frames, damaged support rods, and whatnot are down to a lack of user maintenance. People see 7s as brilliant so feel they do not need to do regular service checks on them, which is not the case. I still check mine every 3-6 months to make sure everything is running smooth.
My current hooves have run for 10 months, before that my other set lasted me 14 months, so IMO they are still best value. Agreed though that the bushings, whilst good, aren't as brilliant and service-free as made out, I've replaced my sets twice so far in 2 and a half years on 7s.
I don't doubt you on the statement they are made in China, but from my original correspondence with the 7s team they heavily implied parts were made in china then assembled in Austria. However, this has most likely changed due to profit margins and whatnot, so i'm not going to disagree :P

4. Pro-Jumps (FL Brands) The frames have consistently proved to be of a great quality, the springs are of a good character and are becoming more and more reliable - the new springs that are getting developed if they can make them reliable they may prove to be better than 7s, the rubber soles last well but importers are often let down with the odd bad batch, the bushings could be better but if you look after them they will last - replacements are not too expensive but its something that could be improved, the spring cover is something else that needs work on.  Overall at the moment for what you get for the money spent these are the best choice imo
I'm glad you see the faults in your own product Naz, and I agree with the majority of what you have said. The only things I feel that were bad with FL were the carbon fibre springs that were sold by other distributors in May 2007, they were awful, and the problem with the hooves from late 2006 to early 2008, they just seemed to disintegrate after a few hours. However, the major problems have been fixed, and like you said they now need to focus on improving the spring character (I still find them a little stiff), the spring protection, and the moving parts.

You need to cool off Spud. You take everything so personally!
If you're making a joke, put :P on the end. It's hard to interpret things online.

I weigh 90 kg but am unable to get a pair of S-Rex's to flex. My own are T-Rex's and they are sheer heaven to use ...very, very comfortable and responsive. I'm not an extreme jumper so far from qualified to discuss bottoming out.
Then you need to improve your technique! I'm 54kg and I can bottom T-Rex's fairly easily, and I know people who are about 60kg who can hammer through S-Rex's with ease too.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2009, 07:28:17 PM by sprog »

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Re: skyrunners
« Reply #41 on: December 01, 2009, 07:27:38 PM »
Right now I think projump frames are the best out there (excluding skips). Lighter than 7's, stronger than 7's. Looked after the bearings last for a good while with no problems. Only downside are the hoofs. But I deffo prefer PJ frames to 7's frames.

The price for what you get with 7's isn't worth it. Especially in the UK right now. The only upgrade you have by choosing them are the springs. They are good for some users. But not all. Bearings are an improvement. But only in a way that they are low maintenance. PJ bearings give the same performance but need changing and looking after. Hoofs..well, thats an upgrade but you can buy both of those parts separately. Springs are expensive. Wouldn't buy without trying and as for the hoofs. They last but MK3 hoofies have loads more performance so would just buy them.

You either totally missed my point or you are trying to make me look like an idiot. And it wouldnt be the first time. Please stop putting words into my mouth and taking the things i have said out of context using it against me.

It was a joke based on the concept of "perish the thought they would do such a thing!"
You need to cool off Spud. You take everything so personally!
Sorry, but I find this hard to believe. We always get into an argument somehow and this is the first time it has been a joke taken in the wrong way. But anyway, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. I don't appreciate the jokes and I would prefer you say nothing if you don't have anything constructive or what you are saying is confrontational/to wind me up.

If you have a problem feel free to send me a PM

You need to cool off Spud. You take everything so personally!
If you're making a joke, put :P on the end. It's hard to interpret things online.

Or what sprog said lol..


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Re: skyrunners
« Reply #42 on: December 01, 2009, 08:09:16 PM »
3. 7 Leagues - imho they simply are not worth the money, the frames have failures that need to be looked at and solved
However, I disagree on the frame failures bit Naz, there's only 2 recorded incidents of the frames imploding (Locky and Bobman), and they could quite simply have been something that slipped through quality control accidentally, or because Locky and Bobman seriously beat their stilts around and maybe knocked that area a few too many times. I'd say the other failures with twisted frames, damaged support rods, and what not are down to a lack of user maintenance.

Just to clarify I was generally talking about the reports of twisted frames, damage to support bars & rods, there was far too many reports of these just for it to dismissed as a minor issue. It’s hard to pin point just how big a problem it is or isn’t but generally speaking I do not think 7’s make up a bigger percentage of powerbock sales and when there is a few reports of the same problem it becomes more significant than if the same number of reports about PoweriSer or FL products as they have a bigger market share.  ((there’s probably a better way to write that but I’m doing 10 things at once lol)
With regards to Bobman and Lockys frame that’s a separate issue which I’m sure they addressed but did bring about many questions about the quality and it simply should not have happened. When you mention “slipped through quality control accidentally” I very much doubt every stilt is tested individually as they are moulded and it would be a full batch that would be affected by this if it was more than just Bobman & Locky being ruthless with them!

I’m not trying to say 7’s are bad, do not buy or trying to suggest there is a massive problem, what I meant was for the money they are not worth it and in order to justify almost double the price they need to work on making them better. 

Contrary to popular belief 7's are also made in a factory in China.
I don't doubt you on the statement they are made in China, but from my original correspondence with the 7s team they heavily implied parts were made in china then assembled in Austria. However, this has most likely changed due to profit margins and whatnot, so i'm not going to disagree :P

I personally doubt that, I have seen the trade prices on 7’s and it is impossible that they could  import parts from China and then assemble them in Austria and give their sellers such good margins, it’s just not feasible, If that is the case I put my hands up and apologise but I have it from reliable sources that they are made in China and that 7’s has someone is China that over looks it. This is no different from most importers, it’s in our interests to have someone regularly visit the factory who speak the local language and makes checks.

In the last 6 months, I have had 2 7’s dealers from Europe openly telling me they want to move to another brand as they are unhappy with 7’s “quality control” hopefully one of them will soon be a authorised Pro-Jump dealer but it just shows that even dealers are loosing faith.

I actually feel that 7’s have a very good product and can make it the value better and justify the price with a few adjustments that won’t even cost them much. If they have as much control as they say they have these should have happened already and been implemented by now.

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Re: skyrunners
« Reply #43 on: December 01, 2009, 08:45:39 PM »
I like how this thread went from are skyrunners good, to every brand s***ging them off :P

I wanna stick up for them now just because I can :D

SKYRUNNERS FTW!!! (dont actually believe I am saying that :P )


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Re: skyrunners
« Reply #44 on: December 01, 2009, 08:55:16 PM »
I have seen the trade prices on 7’s and it is impossible that they could  import parts from China and then assemble them in Austria and give their sellers such good margins, it’s just not feasible
Exactly the reason I don't disagree :)

Just to clarify I was generally talking about the reports of twisted frames, damage to support bars & rods, there was far too many reports of these just for it to dismissed as a minor issue. It’s hard to pin point just how big a problem it is or isn’t but generally speaking I do not think 7’s make up a bigger percentage of powerbock sales and when there is a few reports of the same problem it becomes more significant than if the same number of reports about PoweriSer or FL products as they have a bigger market share.  ((there’s probably a better way to write that but I’m doing 10 things at once lol)
lol I get what you mean, and yeah, 7s do definately not make up the majority of sales, but I don't think the numbers reported were that worrying. I think maybe 7's problems are reported more because, again, people think they should be perfect. I've seen a lot of riSers and projumps with bent frames and whatnot and people just go "Well, they're cheap, they're going to be like it" and don't bother complaining, so I think a lot of the time the full scope of things isn't seen.
I'm not saying 7s are better, I just think overall the actual problems are actually fairly even across the board, just with the cheaper brands people are more expectant of problems so don't bother reporting it.

If anything, more worrying was the fact Manni somehow managed to send multiple people one T-Rex and one Raptor in a box that he had "personally checked" to ensure they had Raptors in. :Cconfused:

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Re: skyrunners
« Reply #45 on: December 01, 2009, 09:04:52 PM »
OK not bothered reading this thread, not sure 1 needs to cos i doubt its v helpfull or uptodate.

But heres my rubbish

R we sure these r skyrunners? I mean things get called loads of things on ebay.

U think you need to join a club?  So where r u?

If r skyrunners, hey use um and have fun.

If and when bits wearout,  buy better components, as peeps do with mountain bikes

OO un dont think u old --ive got a decade on u m8 :Cswoon:

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Re: skyrunners
« Reply #46 on: December 01, 2009, 10:07:47 PM »
Gotta put my bit in here  :Claugh:

I have had the good luck to try Powerskips, Pro-jumps and 7's (

2 pairs skips (both under my weight level) and they both performed well but bottomed (to be expected as I'm heavy) and their walking feet are the best thing about any Bocks

I've lost count of how many Projumps I've tried (lost count of how many pairs I own too  :Claugh:) and if properly maintained they work well and do the job admirably lack of maintainance is the main problem due to the bearings (but they are very cheap compared to the others so you must expect some corners to be cut)
Yes they have problems but I still have my first frames with a set of Skip springs on them and a certain young man took them up to 8ft (bottom of hoofs) well done again Tim  :Cbiggrin:

3 Pairs of 7's Clive and I both bought a pair each in our weight range (when they had the running and jumping X's) Mine went back 3 days later due to them bottoming when I was running (tried another set at the dealers and he gave me a full refund)
Clive was bottoming his withing 3 months and swaped the springs The hoof rubber started coming away from the hoof frame so he changed them for PJ hoofs and PJ springs

I also tried the new pro-energy spring and this was the most disappointing experience they were unresponsive and felt dead also they bottomed really easily
I also find the frames on 7's much to heavy I mean they are a lb heavier than PJ's and it feels like it

If you want a real test of Bocks I have a sugestion  :Claugh:

Send a set of bocks from each manufacturer to (In turn ) Kiola - tundraH - then Me
Each of us to use them for a month and pass them down the line (same weight for all of us  :Claugh:)
I would lay odds that the only ones I would get to use would be PJ's and 7's  :Claugh: and the sevens would be unused  :Claugh:

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK:

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Re: skyrunners
« Reply #47 on: December 01, 2009, 10:37:28 PM »
ok they say sky runner on the  webbing straps im in wales nr swansea and have found welsh bockers and thinking about joining that but as for the rest they look the same as pro jumps webbing on the knee part and two webbing strapson the metal footplate which has a plastic footpad on the front