Author Topic: So its been a year now  (Read 2767 times)

Offline wolf

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So its been a year now
« on: March 07, 2010, 08:05:31 PM »
As my birthday rolls around tomorrow I realised it has been an entire year since I got my first taste of projumps at the wallabies meet.

And after a whole year of ups and downs, on going health problems and and down right unreasonable parents where do I find myself?

Well sadly in one sense barely any further than I was a year ago  :Cfrown:

I have my own stilts now after managing to get a card of my own to buy them so that made one major hurdle vanish

But the parents will still not relent try as I might giving them every reasonable argument and reason I can think of AND getting profesional medical allowance to use my stilts they still have me banned  :Ccry:

And quite fankly I dont know what to do. I have tried so hard to stay positive to meet there demands of waiting till after africa, of learning to drive, of getting the physio to say I could use them but now I cant see the end of this road

The only answer I can get is to move out and then I can do what I like but thats not possible in a reasonable way when I have no job and equally I strongly suspect this is what they want me to do and so are trying to force me to do so I am digging my heels in

So I appeal to you all have any of you got any more ideas or suggestions of things I can try to get them to change I will give pretty much anything a go right now lol

Wolf (dreaming of bocking)

Offline Bbmthbloke

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Re: So its been a year now
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2010, 08:25:58 PM »
may  1 ask what the med probs r?  is there a history  of stopping u do stuff?   have parents  seen. in flesh, others on stilts?  wot, exActly the objrcyions?

oo could try hitting um with a stilt?

Offline Greggles

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Re: So its been a year now
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2010, 10:11:49 PM »
Tbh i know people will prob say that i shouldn't say this but have u ever tryed just going on them and doing it when your folks r out if i bought my stilts and was told i wasent allowed to use them my answer would be i bought them and is my own fault if i get hurt let me breath and do my own thing and evan your docs said it would be ok for you to use them

so yer i dont mean any disrespect but in the short term my answer would be to say go away XD to put it a nice way

Offline Spud

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Re: So its been a year now
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2010, 10:26:19 PM »
Took me 3 years to get my pet chickens. 3 years of asking, providing arguments for them, pestering ect. I know it doesn't sound like often but I asked at least every month if I could have them..much more around brithdays and christmas. Then, one day out of the blue on one of my random askings I got a yes. Basically, don't give up. I could never see it happening, then it did. Timing is critical. Let me just say.. those are deffo some guilt chickens haha. Just keep trying. As for what greg said...let me put it this way, I'm not going to tell him off :D Equally tho, if you do it and there is a chance they will kick you out put them in the loft and forget them for a while. Some space from the idea and some focus on something else might do you a favor later on.

such a tough one.

Offline wolf

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Re: So its been a year now
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2010, 07:17:50 PM »
sorry for the late reply they have taken my internet of me so I am not really here SHHH!!

OK Bbm
My legs are a mess to put it simply lol
I have shortened achillies, contracted calf muscles, destabilised ankles and my hips rotate outwards more than they are ment to and not inwards far enough.
I went through several years where walking more than 100 meters was painful but thats sorted now and I can walk as much as I want with no pain.
The physio said there are exercises I should do to lengthen my achillies more and generally build up my core muscles but there was nothing at all that she could think of that I should not do and even when I specifically asked about the stilts she said they would be fine to use.

I have no idea how much my parents have seen my dads watched videos of people using them as I have been watching them at the same time. I am pretty sure neither have seen someone on them in the flesh though I am sure they have both seen the stilts themselves on the floor of my bedroom.

Their main objection is that they are worried I will ruin my legs more somehow despite what they physio said. Also that I will hurt myself in some other way.
Their pervious reasons for me not having/using them I have delt with such as having been and come back from africa.

As spud has pointed out I will probably be kicked out for doing just that they barely need a reason right now but that is definatly my last resort

thanks I will keep trying every day it is sunny lol


Offline Bbmthbloke

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Re: So its been a year now
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2010, 07:34:01 PM »
OOOwow!  1st hope u had a good birthday.

I kn ow its difficult to tell people ( who only have your best interests at heart) who have not seen this stuff.   But the frame does actually hold your lower leg ridgidly in 1 possition. So, shouldnt do any harm down there. Also the blurb that comes with these stilts ( or used to) says that these things are helpfull for people overcomming lower limb injuries. Now I was never to certain of the claims, but.  Most any1 here  will tell you that you feel lighter on the springs and heavier once you get off them.

1 hesitates to mention 7 leagues here. But when developing their 'S Rex' model they specifically retained the servicies of a Sports Injuries specialist Doctor as a consultant.  Can personally vouch for this cos I met they Doc a couple of years ago.  Now I cant say what benefit he put in, but he certainly would not have put his name to a 'dodgy' notion  :Cyes:

Best best of luck to you thio

Offline madmonky13

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Re: So its been a year now
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2010, 08:05:08 PM »
sorry for the late reply they have taken my internet of me so I am not really here SHHH!!

OK Bbm
My legs are a mess to put it simply lol
I have shortened achillies, contracted calf muscles, destabilised ankles and my hips rotate outwards more than they are ment to and not inwards far enough.
I went through several years where walking more than 100 meters was painful but thats sorted now and I can walk as much as I want with no pain.
The physio said there are exercises I should do to lengthen my achillies more and generally build up my core muscles but there was nothing at all that she could think of that I should not do and even when I specifically asked about the stilts she said they would be fine to use.

I have no idea how much my parents have seen my dads watched videos of people using them as I have been watching them at the same time. I am pretty sure neither have seen someone on them in the flesh though I am sure they have both seen the stilts themselves on the floor of my bedroom.

Their main objection is that they are worried I will ruin my legs more somehow despite what they physio said. Also that I will hurt myself in some other way.
Their pervious reasons for me not having/using them I have delt with such as having been and come back from africa.

As spud has pointed out I will probably be kicked out for doing just that they barely need a reason right now but that is definatly my last resort

thanks I will keep trying every day it is sunny lol


i have the same problem as you with my achillies tendon, but it doesnt really use them and ive actually found that bocking has helped my achillies.

jordan check it out.

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Re: So its been a year now
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2010, 10:06:32 PM »
Parents will be protective and in your case I should imagine more so

Can't really blame them for being cautious as you have had lots of problems

Try to get them to come along to a meet and see what a wierd bunch we are  :Claugh: seriously though I have seen a lot of parents that were very worried about bocking do an about turn once they have seen the likes of me on them

At 50 and 17 odd stone I do make a sight on them  :Claugh:

Also you could be doing a lot worse things as so many youngsters are nowdays

Good luck with convincing them

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK:

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Re: So its been a year now
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2010, 12:39:44 AM »
As any parent will tell you, the protection of your kids, however big they get, will always be there major aim.
But there comes a time when, as a parent, you have to realise that your kids are no longer children and that’s the hard part for them.
I'm sure they love you very much if they are so against you using them and if that is the case I think it unlikely they would through you out, providing you were not sneaky! So sit down with them and calmly put your point across that you are over 18 and your own person, you have taken the advice of the Dr's and listened to their concerns. But you are now making up your own mind and hope that they will understand that this has to be the case.

thus speaks the voice of personal experience! :CGEEK:

The very best of luck :Cyes: 

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Offline wolf

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Re: So its been a year now
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2010, 09:22:26 PM »
thanks a lot for all your replys everyone they have really helped  :Cyes:

I will try talking to them again about it this weekend if I am back in their OK books again  :Cconfused:


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Re: So its been a year now
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2010, 12:05:42 AM »
OK update time,

After a couple of random and spontainous conversations we seem to have hit on a solution, as long as I do the excercises given to me by the physio they will let me on my stilts  :Becky:

they were even willing to let me suggest taking part in this years walk for life  :Cswoon:
though that might be to try and destract me from the fact they want me to quit karate as they say it is un doing all the work with the excercises as at karate I do a range of stretches to allow me to do the splits which obviously moves my hips further out which is a problem  :Cconfused:

but hey at least I have the light at the end of the tunnel I need  :Cbiggrin:


Offline madmonky13

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Re: So its been a year now
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2010, 12:23:34 AM »
yea, really im sooo happy for you :Cyes: :Cwink: :Csmile: :CbiggrinS:
glad you finally can get on your stilts!!!

do you live in england, if you do what county? you should come to some meets, they really help you.


ps. well done :thumbs: check it out.