Author Topic: Poole Stadium 1st June  (Read 5228 times)

Offline Kaaaaaaren

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Poole Stadium 1st June
« on: April 13, 2007, 01:22:54 PM »
Hi everyone,

My work are organising an event at Poole Stadium on 1st June.  I am going to be there bouncing around but kinda working too.  My work have asked if I can get any others to come along just to bounce about and make it feel more relaxed and eventy!

If anyone is in the area and want to come along, you dont have to do anything spectacular just bounce about and have a practise at new tricks, chat to other bockers who turn up, or whatever you would normally do.  The only thing you would need to do is bear in mind that its school holidays and there will be children there who will be interested in what you're doing, so you'd need to watch your language and be polite if anyone asks any questions about bocking.  Other than that it would be just like a normal meet really. (Not that i'm saying on normal meets you would be swearing and being rude to people!)

So anyway, let me know if anyones interested, either by replying to this or by email:

Thanks everyone,


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Re: Poole Stadium 1st June
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2007, 02:17:44 PM »

I think theres quite a few lads on bocks near your neck of the woods

take a look at as well



Offline Bbmthbloke

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Re: Poole Stadium 1st June
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2007, 02:42:31 PM »
hi again karen

A few questions spring to mind

a/ is it the speedway stadium?
b/ Will it be OK to walk/jump around the stand area?
c/ Will we be 'mingling' with the children ( im thinking health and safty)
d/ What sort (if any insurance is there)
e/ What are the times on the day

There are a couple of us in Bournemouth who dont work Friday afternoons, plus another at school ( I suspect 'A' levels will have finished by then).  The others are out of town ( and I know atleast 1 has a gcse exam on that day) so may not be able to make it.

But a few of us could probably make it on the afternoon. I did briefly mention this to a couple of people , but we didnt get round to talking about our future events. I think we have a couple of things to do in May, Cardiff at the end of July. Ill propose we stick this in as one of the things to fill in our gaps

Offline Kaaaaaaren

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Re: Poole Stadium 1st June
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2007, 01:17:00 PM »
In answer to the questions....

a Yes it is the speedway stadium.

b Yes it will be ok to walk around the stand area but that area will have a lot of stuff going on in there, I think you would be better out on the speedway itself.

c  Not mingling with the children as such, there are activities like bouncy castle, kareoke, face painting, a band (if we find a suitable one in time) and stuff to hopefully keep the kids entertained but I'm sure they will be running about and just being kids.

d not quite sure about the insurance, i know we have public liability insurance, but dont really know a lot about this.  I can find out if you are thinking there is something specific we would need.

e It will be 11am til around 3 or 4pm and it is during the school holidays so it shouldnt be a problem for anyone at school/college.

Any other questions let me know.

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Re: Poole Stadium 1st June
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2007, 07:35:47 PM »
This sounds good to me, all of us at JJ are up for doing it :)
I think you've answered all of our questions so far Karen, I look forward to this event!

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Re: Poole Stadium 1st June
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2007, 07:39:29 PM »
Oooooh, did I say I had a GCSE? That bites majorly. Oh well.

Offline Kaaaaaaren

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Re: Poole Stadium 1st June
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2007, 12:25:53 PM »
Cool.  Glad so many of you can make it.  I look forward to meeting you all.  I'll let you all know if any of the details change, but its all pretty much set in stone with the details that I've already posted.

Let me know if any more questions or concerns arise!

Good luck with your GCSEs OriginalTwo, shame you can't make it.

Offline tundraH

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Re: Poole Stadium 1st June
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2007, 01:32:50 PM »
Are the rumours true that there will be a projump stall there?
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Re: Poole Stadium 1st June
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2007, 06:32:27 PM »
Ill def be along for the afternoon. Tho rather oddly the weather forecast Im looking at shows 3% of cloud cover  but also rain ( tho not alot)  Im hoping its the rain bit thats wrong, cos 1 of them has to be. If it is then should be a nice sunny but not too hot day to bounce around.

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Re: Poole Stadium 1st June
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2007, 12:55:31 AM »
Are the rumours true that there will be a projump stall there?

Not so sure about a stall but we have given away some good Pro-Jump related prizes!

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Re: Poole Stadium 1st June
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2007, 09:19:16 AM »
Are the rumours true that there will be a projump stall there?

Not so sure about a stall but we have given away some good Pro-Jump related prizes!

Thanks for the info, Webmaster. 

I'm heading up their in an hour and will only be walking because one of my springs are spliting into four piece near the foot.  My poor Bocks have done me well for over seven moths, I think I'll treat myself to some Projumps on payday.
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Re: Poole Stadium 1st June
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2007, 12:23:53 PM »
tundraH, why not buy yourself some new springs, as it would be cheaper!!

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Offline tundraH

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Re: Poole Stadium 1st June
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2007, 05:27:52 PM »
Thanks Kaaaaren for a great day, although I am blaming you for the sun burn on the back of my neck.  :P  It was good to finaly meet you.   ;D

tundraH, why not buy yourself some new springs, as it would be cheaper!!

Funny you should say that but I bought a brand new pair of MB110's, which are the new carbon ones.  They lasted all of 2 hours and one snapped.  The free replacement springs lasted almost two weeks and both have split where they connect to the the foot.  So now I'm waiting to hear if I can get another free replacement pair.  Doesn't look to good for me doing the London walk thingy.   :(

P.S.  I've got my fingers. toes and limbs crossed that I win the prize.    :-\
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Offline Sx Nutta

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Re: Poole Stadium 1st June
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2007, 07:29:31 PM »
Thanks Kaaaaren for a great day, although I am blaming you for the sun burn on the back of my neck.  :P  It was good to finaly meet you.   ;D

tundraH, why not buy yourself some new springs, as it would be cheaper!!

Funny you should say that but I bought a brand new pair of MB110's, which are the new carbon ones.  They lasted all of 2 hours and one snapped.  The free replacement springs lasted almost two weeks and both have split where they connect to the the foot.  So now I'm waiting to hear if I can get another free replacement pair.  Doesn't look to good for me doing the London walk thingy.   :(

P.S.  I've got my fingers. toes and limbs crossed that I win the prize.    :-\

Sounds like you have had some rouge springs in the past, hope you get your new springs in time, to come to the London Walk, if it is the one on the 10th June!! I should be there!!  ;D

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Offline Bbmthbloke

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Re: Poole Stadium 1st June
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2007, 08:12:40 PM »
it is un u betta be sx.  yep Tundrah has had some real bad luck and twice ive been around to hear the sickening 'crack' as a spring breaks. I got carbon springs in the same batch but mine r like steel rods   no bounce atall. Im just buying new stilts this w/e un sod it:o(

oo i may have some  small corperate sponsorship  for walk 4 life  but may mean me wearing a ded dodgy tee shirt. Ill email the guy in morning see wot comes

Offline Sx Nutta

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Re: Poole Stadium 1st June
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2007, 01:36:45 AM »
it is un u betta be sx.  yep Tundrah has had some real bad luck and twice ive been around to hear the sickening 'crack' as a spring breaks. I got carbon springs in the same batch but mine r like steel rods   no bounce atall. Im just buying new stilts this w/e un sod it:o(

oo i may have some  small corperate sponsorship  for walk 4 life  but may mean me wearing a ded dodgy tee shirt. Ill email the guy in morning see wot comes

I will be there, come rain or shine!! Doing some fundraising on the 2nd June, down at the local summer fete!!  ;)

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But Fire is better when you are spinning or breathing it!
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Offline sprog

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Re: Poole Stadium 1st June
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2007, 11:54:46 PM »
I went along to this, thanks to karen for organising it.
It was great fun and was fantastic weather too, hope it stays like it for the rest of the summer! :)