Forum > Setting Up & Adjusting Your Stilts

Faulty calf cuffs.

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Talking Head:
 :Csmile: Thanks Naz for sorting so quick, and Locky for the offer
Thanks again :Cnotworthy:

Talking Head:
 :Cnotworthy: Both cuffs arrived today, super service Naz, better than 90% of my own suppliers, great service.

Hello, I've just decided to try jumping stilts out so bought myself a pair of slightly used ones with a kneebar, unfortunatly my legs are a bit too thin and no matter how i adjust the kneebar velcro/height i don't seem to get a proper fitting, would you recommend for me to switch to calf cuffs and what are the quarantees that they will fit? :) i can walk just fine as they are, but running or jumping is a real problem for me at the moment. and yes i've looked through forum but it's mostly about using webbing or adjusting the height of kneebars.

ps: i decided to post it in this topic instead of making a new one, because i didn't want to spam your forum much.

LeoRus, do you wear any sort of knee pads?

If not, get some. They make knee bars far more comfortable. Motocross, knee/shin guards are the preferred type.


--- Quote from: Locky on May 11, 2011, 10:05:35 PM ---LeoRus, do you wear any sort of knee pads?

If not, get some. They make knee bars far more comfortable. Motocross, knee/shin guards are the preferred type.

--- End quote ---

i've tried with some roller blade ones, wondering if the width of kneepads will be enough to keep me balanced. Kneepads seem to stop my leg from weebling much forward and back, but it's still easy to slide to the side of a kneebar. I've already been trying to develop a temporary solution with ducktape and some stuff similar to insulation foam. Ty for answer, didn't excpect one at this time :)


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