Strap idea
Strap idea
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Description: I was out on my bocks today, and found that when i have the bindings done up securely, they push the bridge of my foot down, causing me quite a lot of pain, so i had this idea for a different type of binding.

What it is, the front binding is as usual, but the upper foot binding is replaced by a soft flexible strap that goes round the front and back of the ankle, and is secured at the back by a clip (like the clips on pinheads straps, but smaller). this would pull down the back section of the foot, onto the heel, and all parts would be adjustable. Hopefully, it would also improve technique slightly.

By the way, these arent my bocks, i nabbed the picture off the gallery, as it was a pretty good picture to work from.

The quality of the editing is poor, but i hope you get the idea :P
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Views: 1056
Filesize: 399.82kB
Height: 430 Width: 317
Keywords: Kaz Bindings 
Posted by: Kazbahn at March 21, 2009, 11:44:53 PM

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Comments (10)

March 23, 2009, 09:36:29 PM
Good point greg, i'll remember that in future, soz :/

It was the best picture i could find, if that's any consolation  :Cconfused:
March 23, 2009, 12:35:55 PM
And yes Kaz u can use my pic ask first b4 u do it plz coz some ppl might get angry
March 22, 2009, 11:18:51 PM
kazbahn id protoype those quick if u wanna sell them coz when u join the forum u accept to projump stealing any idea XD hehe theyll go after ur bindings idea XD
March 22, 2009, 10:39:06 PM
Yep see what you mean now K I didn't notice the ankle bit
Good idea
March 22, 2009, 09:17:11 PM
If mine work well, i'll start selling them :P
March 22, 2009, 09:16:25 PM
I quite fancy bindings like on the velocity stilts...
March 22, 2009, 09:12:45 PM
Yeah, spud, like that strap, i'd never seen the pictures of those straps before... so it was my own idea, and i was planning on doing it slightly differently, but in essence, it was the same idea :P
March 22, 2009, 09:06:57 PM
ooh I think he means like on velocity stilts
March 22, 2009, 08:47:42 PM
i dont think that's what i mean jason O.o unless you've got modded bindings that wrap around your ankle on there?

i didnt really use the picture as much other than a platform for my idea...
March 22, 2009, 12:25:55 PM
You don't mean like this do you Kazbahn  :Claugh:;sa=view;id=1207#c4159

I found the same on the walking foot so made this up

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