Locky's flip journey
Locky's flip journey
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Description: Some of you know I'd been trying very hard to land front flips ever since my first visit to the bradford gym in January this year. My first real landing was in June, Athoul was the witness and it was on cam and is featured in this video. 5 mins later, I broke my thumb while falling backwards onto the mat and that set me back a good 2 or 3 months.
It's quite repetitive but its pretty good also.

It's taught me that if you cant do it, you keep trying until you can.
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Keywords: locky flips 
Posted by: Locky at October 09, 2007, 07:12:56 PM

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Comments (3)

October 09, 2007, 10:36:13 PM
Theres a really good tutorial that Ian posted check out the following thread it may help you http://www.projumpforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=716.0
Joe Legg
October 09, 2007, 10:17:37 PM
thats a good videos I've just started trying since Q told me to give it a go at a Bournemouth gym session, and now i just really want it and hopefully with enough practice I will do it.
going to really give it ago at the Dorchester gym session this Saturday.

cheers for the vid good inspiration.
October 09, 2007, 07:59:11 PM
Excellent vid and well done Locky, just shows practice makes perfect so don't give up all those who are trying to get flipping  :)

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