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Description: just a little something i did today
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Posted by: stevie at July 13, 2008, 08:29:45 PM

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Comments (13)

July 15, 2008, 04:33:26 PM
Athoul,i don't hold grudges, and that was very admirable to apologise, it takes a lot to do that, and i respect you for it,thanks.

the pics your talking about were sent to me months ago for me to see the progres of my suit, since then ther has been mods, ie, a coment was made about it looking bulky, i also respected the coment and acted on it as i did agrea after looking at it again, and it was altered, the end result is now its more tight fitting around the waist, and a few other mods some i made myself, i must stress though, for copywright i did make and design the costume for my own pleasure, but it can be made availible for any event free of charge,

thanks for your reply Athoul, and Sprog, i think Claire over reacted at the spare of the moment, i know you didn't mean any harm. and if we do come to CB it will be with one thing in mind only,and that is Bocking good fun, hope to see you there chears.
July 15, 2008, 11:54:26 AM
Firstly I owe Stevie an apology, I did jump to some conclusions without proper backing. So i'm sorry but i'd like to show you my side of the story so you should be able to see where i was coming from:

You first posted a picture in this thread saying that this was your new costume and I thought it was all pretty interesting.

Then about a week later i stumbled upon this website which showed the exact same photo stevie had posted a week earlier. This confused me and put some doubt in my mind but i decided not to post anything at the time.

Then you posted this new video and I thought I would bring it up to see what was going on.
Yes I did it very directly and probably shouldn't have but lifes a bitch.

I hope you don't hold this against me too much and I look forward to meeting you guys in person at Capital Bocking, even if i do get a slap from Claire
July 15, 2008, 12:34:29 AM
you may have been pionting out, but you still have it wrong, if you had asked you may be able to look in right direction, becouse your quit wrong,

however, i am more concerned that athoul called steve a thief, and a liar.
July 15, 2008, 12:04:15 AM
We were just pointing it out. sheesh.
I simply asked who was inside the suit because I was interested, and provided links to how it was made as
1) I was interested
2) Other people might be interested
3) I was intrigued as the guy who made it is norweigen and all the video I provided was filmed in norway and features places in the photos.

I look forward to meeting you at CB as well claire.
July 14, 2008, 11:41:11 PM
Athoul and sprog, why are you trying to ridicule Stevie,he has done so much to help people at bocking and your trying to make look stupid, you've not only offended Stevie but me too. I suggest you keep your mouth's shut and stop trying to cause arguments on the forum because your silly imature games will not work with me. If your going to make nasty coments about us then pm us if not dont say anything at all. Im looking forward to meeting you at CB then I can tell you to your face what i think because im the type of person that if I have a problem I will tell that person to their face and not over the forum and believe me i have alot to say to you so see you there.
July 14, 2008, 11:23:43 PM
Athoul, whats your problem, and no im not talking crap, and YES its mine, i also made part of it myself, and yes before you ask the robocop is mine i have two of them, one is an original used in the film,
      i have many more, too many to mention, and nowhere near all on my website, so don't call me a liar, and i didnt steal any from a randome website, get your facts straight before you acuse someone of beaing a theif,
            i dont have anything to prove to YOU or anyone, i do this for myself and the team, and i thought it would be nice to share this with others in our comunity, its not my fault it doesnt meet your aproval,
    if you have a problem with anything els to do with my costumes or stilts or pics or vids or anything, if your going to acuse me of something i strongly recomend that you first pm me or phone me, and ask me nicely, and il give you an answer.
July 14, 2008, 07:32:50 PM
THose links where pictures from the guys site that made it for Steve.. the guy who made it is the guy inside the suit in all the pics previous to Pete being in it for the Video above.. thought i would clear that up.  :thumbs:

Hopefully i will get to wear it soon  :banana:
July 14, 2008, 01:24:27 PM
Who's wearing the suit Stevie?,1879.0.html

July 14, 2008, 01:07:10 PM
Is this actually yours or are you talking crap

Because last time you posted pictures:

You had just stolen them from this random website:
July 14, 2008, 12:38:14 PM
I am working on a version for bocks,

he was dancing as it was for a kids show and they asked him to dance, you can't say no to kids, lol.
July 14, 2008, 04:03:23 AM
how the hell dose iron man dance thats jus wird lol u dont make robo cop dance y make him dance. :nana:
July 14, 2008, 12:44:02 AM
Put it on bocks = 100x better. Still cool though.
July 13, 2008, 08:28:36 PM
Nice!  :thumbs:

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