Author Topic: Hanworth Banned Bockers All Fall Down  (Read 3103 times)

Offline Jason

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Hanworth Banned Bockers All Fall Down
« on: February 03, 2008, 07:38:44 PM »
Ok you all know I went base over apex yesterday

Well today it was Clives turn he went over last week but todays was a beauty

We were bouncing down a bit a a hill in the carpark sort of taking turns and 2 of Clives daughters came out to watch I stopped to chat and Clive was concentrating so hard on his jumps he didn't notice until the last second that we were in the way

I gotta hand it to him he tried to stop so hard that he ended up sitting down from a half jumping position (if he'd had a 4ft chair instead of the ground he'd have been alright  :biggrin:)

The result was he landed on his posterior (to use a nice word) and back and winded himself
As soon as he was breathing again he was up and jumping straight away but I think he's gonna ache tonight/tomorrow

If we're really lucky he might have caught it on the CCTV so might have a pic or 2 but I have decided that I'm going to have to take the video camera and leave it running at our future meets

One other thing Naz I think we should start to name the good falls and I know of at least 4 people that have done this type of fall and recon it should go into the Bocking Dictionary as the Glutimus Maximus Fall (cause thats what hurts after  :haha:)

Jason  :Hoofies2: