Author Topic: Yesterday Shefford Gala/Fete  (Read 6313 times)

Offline Joe!!

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Yesterday Shefford Gala/Fete
« on: June 09, 2008, 12:22:25 PM »
Thank you to Charlie and Jack for coming to the fete and supporting me on that day yesterday :) it really was a great day and although it was only us 3 there, which was a big shame, it was really enjoyable starting woth the carnival through the streets to robert bloomfield middle school and then a day at the fete which was pretty amazing :) with lots to do :)

Well i have to end this on a bad note though because it was a big shame that although originally we had me and 6 others down to definately go only me and 2 others turned up. Which as i said earlier was a big shame as it was dissapointing to be let down by those other 4 people. Of which even thoguh it was an hour before the meeting time yesterday morning did inform me that he wasnt able to go but as for the other 3 i have no clue.

Which is why in future if anyone commits to a meet, especially one that could of brought in a decent donation for the EA Bockers and led to us going to future years of this fete, they need to be 100% sure that they can go!!

As it is no good telling me that you can go and then me telling the organisers that we will definately have 7 people there then i turn up and theres only 3 of us!!! Not only does that look bad on me as the organiser it looks bad on us as a bocking group!!

Theres nothing wrong with just saying as charlie did i would like to go but will have to check diary and get back to you!! instead of commiting to the meet then forgetting you have another family commitment or whatever and not informing me at all or until the day itself!!

In the end i guess its just down to a lack of commitment, everyone is willing to go to places like Norwich in the dead centre of East Anglia but as soon as somethnig comes up that might involve a bit of travelling or work to get there people aren't as interested or commit then realise they cant get there!! In my eyes its jsut not on!!!


Offline Greggles

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Re: Yesterday Shefford Gala/Fete
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2008, 12:32:50 PM »
all tho there wasent mutch coment on your post to b fair it did kinda fizzle out man u shoud have tryed to keep the post going about it coz i think the post was up for about a week then we hurd nothing about it so in all fairness its not all are falt i no u did pm a few ppl i no i sed i might b able to go but i wasent totaly shour on it and i sed that to u then i hurd nothing back from u so i had pritty mutch no info on it so ry not to bring the blame down on us to hard m8

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Re: Yesterday Shefford Gala/Fete
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2008, 12:39:53 PM »
All the information needed for anyone to get there was in the original post the times, where it was, there was a map put up, my contact details there> a phone number, an email address. Which if anyone needed any more information than there already was which i doubt!! then al lcontact details were there and charlie and jack amnaged to turn up with no more details than everyone else was given!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Yesterday Shefford Gala/Fete
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2008, 12:42:35 PM »
Plus i posted three different posts all leading up to the fete re giving information asking for more people and giving my contact details or asking if anyone had any questions....

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Re: Yesterday Shefford Gala/Fete
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2008, 12:49:33 PM »
I'm no Joes side. If you say you can make an event/meet and then find out that you can't for some reason you should have the common decency to tell the person who organised the event in advance.

If you put your name down for it you should have followed it up and not just try to shrug the blame off onto Joe's organising.
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room!

Offline Joe!!

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Re: Yesterday Shefford Gala/Fete
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2008, 12:50:41 PM »
One more thing ive jsut noticed that if you believe a word of what you jsut said then check my post on 6th June about the gala where it says weather is fine down here it is definately still on and that was 2 days before the fete.. not enough info going out?  ???

Offline Greggles

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Re: Yesterday Shefford Gala/Fete
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2008, 01:00:13 PM »
well i did not c the other 2 posts when they came up im not trying to have a go coz i no how hard it is to get ppl to atend meets let alone geting to them i think the main problem is that most ppl only have sundays off work ect and expeshaly for the younger bocker like myslef is transport on sundays. sundays are the worst days for me to gt to places coz there is no transport and my folks do not like to take me to meets coz they say they would have nothing to do whilst im there and i no that many other perants are like that i tryed to look at trains to get there but on it sed there was no station at shefford and there were no busses to sheford. i no that it is anoing when i dont get the turn out u had hped for when i did the bury gym meet i had to bring in some off my m8s that dont evan have bocks just to help pay for the gym. i do agre with wat u r saying that ppl sould go but at the end of the day you should exspect some ppl not to go.

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Re: Yesterday Shefford Gala/Fete
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2008, 01:28:52 PM »
Firstly speak in ENGLISH and some punctuation wouldn't go a miss

Secondly you said you could go before checking that you could get there...
« Last Edit: June 09, 2008, 01:30:57 PM by Athoul »
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room!

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Re: Yesterday Shefford Gala/Fete
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2008, 01:34:15 PM »
Firstly I hope I wasnt one of the four. I never commited just asked about travel.

Secondly could you have maybe grumbled in a better way? I usnderstand teh commitment thing. Do you think that having a list of people who said they woul;d attend would have helped because it is a method that helps. You can see clearly if you are expected or not.

Commitment is an issue but this is a fun sport. I think you organised the event well but were clearly some issues. Your arguement doesnt quite add up to me.

In the end i guess its just down to a lack of commitment, everyone is willing to go to places like Norwich in the dead centre of East Anglia but as soon as somethnig comes up that might involve a bit of travelling or work to get there people aren't as interested or commit then realise they cant get there!! In my eyes its jsut not on!!!
I am sorry but I realy dont think you should have said this. Very very unfair of you. I dont think you have the right to say it considering the meet is where you live and I have never seen you at any other meets but correct me if wrong and also you dont know how much other people travel to other meets and the cost also.

I hate it when people make fast judgements and thats what you have done. Back to my original question (could you have grumbled in a better way?) because right now I really dont want to go to any meets you organise and wont. I tihnk this post is really inconsiderate and unfair. What charlie B said in his thread was bang on but I feel if he had not said anything you wouldnt have either...I have respect for him..he has earned it but you havnt and before you post things like this you should.

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Re: Yesterday Shefford Gala/Fete
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2008, 01:35:45 PM »
Firstly speak in ENGLISH and some punctuation wouldn't go a miss

Secondly you said you could go before checking that you could get there...

sorry about the double post but I am pretty sure that greg has appologised for this on another thread. I am sure somewhere he said he was dyslexic.

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Re: Yesterday Shefford Gala/Fete
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2008, 01:38:32 PM »
Firstly speak in ENGLISH and some punctuation wouldn't go a miss

Secondly you said you could go before checking that you could get there...

sorry about the double post but I am pretty sure that greg has appologised for this on another thread. I am sure somewhere he said he was dyslexic.

Dyslexic or just too lazy to use a spellchecker?
And I'm sure dyslexia has no effect on putting punctuation into sentances.
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room!

Offline Spud

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Re: Yesterday Shefford Gala/Fete
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2008, 01:43:35 PM »
Firstly speak in ENGLISH and some punctuation wouldn't go a miss

Secondly you said you could go before checking that you could get there...

sorry about the double post but I am pretty sure that greg has appologised for this on another thread. I am sure somewhere he said he was dyslexic.

Dyslexic or just too lazy to use a spellchecker?
And I'm sure dyslexia has no effect on putting punctuation into sentances.

Sorry a bit of irony there. I am not trying to upset anybody athoul. I did think it was quite harsh and another judgement. If he is being lazy then I appologise to you but otherwise I do think it was a bit unfair

Offline Greggles

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Re: Yesterday Shefford Gala/Fete
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2008, 02:12:25 PM »
atchaly it duz afect all tipes of things to do with words i am dislexsic and i hav it quite bad

and i dident say i could go i sed i might b abled to go depends on wat my mum was doing and she dident want to take me

Offline Athoul

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Re: Yesterday Shefford Gala/Fete
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2008, 02:17:23 PM »
It still doesn't mean that you can't use a spellchecker before you post
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room!

Offline Greggles

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Re: Yesterday Shefford Gala/Fete
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2008, 03:18:16 PM »
i dont have a spell checker on my internet

Offline Joe!!

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Re: Yesterday Shefford Gala/Fete
« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2008, 10:40:39 PM »
spud no you weren tone of those four i knew you were only inquireing about transport :) and i have been to a meet in norwich with you and have also been to 1 in peterborough :) and i wasnt even aware that charlie B had posted anythnig as i havent seen it yet at all  ??? so maybe along with me you have made some fast judgements on me eh?? and i only said what i said earlier coz thats how i feel it may of been in the heat of the moment but its all true none the less!!!!

Offline Spud

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Re: Yesterday Shefford Gala/Fete
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2008, 11:05:52 PM »
yea ok, I made some judgements and wrongly so but they were not quite like the things you were saying..I assume you have read a thread about the event... Yours were quite on another level.

But...I understand that you were probably quite annoyed and I think that anybody that has been put in your position should and would do although I hope nobody is in that position again. It isnt fair.

I wont deny the fact that most of what you said was correct but i do feel that it could have been said a bit better but I think you know that. "heat of the moment" It wasnt what you said that rattled me just how you said it.

I dont think there is a good way to sort commitment issues but  probably sending PMs to those who have commited and better communication between people as well as list so people can clearly see if they have commited would help a lot.

I dont want to fall out or anything joe and I hope you at another EA meet in the near future..hopefully a smaller one to the last. i found it pretty hard to know who everybody was if we are talkin bout the same norwich meet lol.


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Re: Yesterday Shefford Gala/Fete
« Reply #17 on: June 10, 2008, 08:11:30 AM »
yeah i think it was just heat of the moment and i probs could of said it in a better way!! but i jsut felt a bit let down i guess :P yeha would be good to be at another meet soon :)
