Author Topic: In the picture  (Read 7021 times)

Dark Knight

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In the picture
« on: January 03, 2009, 05:16:03 PM »
Has most of us bocker know who been out and about people take our photo's.

Sometimes they'll ask even if it's in the way of a smile.
Other just think we don't mind ( I a tart doesn'r bother me ).
There's those that try to make out their not taking our picture.
And then there's even poeople that take convert picture ( shot from the hip or moblies held has if their texting ).

There is another group and I found one of them today.
It's the "can you move I'm trying to take a normal croud scene "  :-[

I was bouncing in the middle of town near Woollies and notice out the corner of my eye some hold up a big camera. I carried on for a couple of minuets and she was still there.= with her camera in  her hands.

We didn't speak or catch each others eye but as I walk away passed her I heard her say to her self " At least " and started taking pictures of Woollies  :-[

Ever had that sort of thing happen to you ?

Offline Stewart

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Re: In the picture
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2009, 05:28:51 PM »
this has never happened to me when im out and about

I want to know why she was taking a photo of woolies. you may have uncovered some major conspiracy DK

Offline Spud

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Re: In the picture
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2009, 05:30:30 PM »
Kinda, something happened at Norwich train station (i think a tonne of engineering works) and there was a guy from anglia TV (ITV east or something now) and he wasnt very nice...

Thing is, I kinda see where they are coming from, they could sometimes be more polite but they are being payed to get a particular shot and altho bockers are cool, its not what they need. Camera people are generally quite rude. I have no idea why (well I knida do, filming in public can be quit stressful)

Once, I was biking to college, on a cycle path and there was a guy with a camera (expensive too) and he shouted and swore at me for riding my bike on the bike path where he was filming. That guy is lucky to have his camera. If cars hit me or almost hit me I kick them (it happens to often hence I dont bike to college anymore) I am not even an idiot on a bike  >:( but lol, I was seen on TV that day, with a shot taken by that camera man.

Bockers are cool but these people have to do that as a living, they could be more polite but...sometimes I think we need to understand that we are not always the center of attention

I want to know why she was taking a photo of woolies. you may have uncovered some major conspiracy DK

Probs worked for a news paper and I think all stores close today


Offline Stewart

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Re: In the picture
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2009, 05:34:12 PM »
ofc I forgot they closed today

and I do that spud when im on my bike except I bang on the roof mainly its because they are hooligan taxi drivers who try to push me of the road

Dark Knight

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Re: In the picture
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2009, 05:38:15 PM »
Don't kick moving cars when on a motor bike !
Nearlly ripped my  :censored: foot off  :o

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Re: In the picture
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2009, 05:43:43 PM »
Cabs, tell em about it, one just U-turned in front of me from the other side of the road the other day. Thing I dont get is why the do it. There job relies on their license, you think they would treat it well but NOPE..

Kick it next time, it dents the car  ;) (not that i really do such things) And I am on about a push bike  ;) and if you kick with the side of your foot you shouldnt lose it  :D But really, dont do it. I have done it once or twice when I got reversed into and the other time when a car tried to turn left while next to me. Had I not have kicked it I think i would have been flattened.

Stupid cars LOL...dont actually kick them, I dont want the blame  :D


Offline Stewart

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Re: In the picture
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2009, 05:46:10 PM »
:P well even when you start driving, taxis don't treat you any better and buses are horrible, it annoys me because I have been a loyal costumer for them for years, then as soon as I get a car they want to kill me!!

Offline Spud

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Re: In the picture
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2009, 05:54:38 PM »
Hahaha, I am gonna drive soon (with any luck) why does driving sound like such a stressful thing  :o

oh well, its gonna get a lot more stressful for everybody else when i am on the roads  :biggrin: I actually suck at driving. I borrow peoples cars on the airfield. I taught myself to change gears and stuff but I am banned from the reverse gear. I got all muddled last time. Well really muddled. To slow down/break I went for the throttle  :haha:

Flying IS easier. No matter what people tell me. Although it woudl be really good to be able to drive before my flying instructor  :D


Offline Stewart

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Re: In the picture
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2009, 06:02:24 PM »
Driving is fun it makes my life a lot easier to manage, i'm a very busy bee. It ain't stressful or at least I don't find it stressful, if someone annoys me, I call them names ;D

I would love to fly, I love aeroplanes :D being tall i'm used to the high altitudes anyway even more so when i'm on my bocks.

At least in the air there isn't as much to hit apart from animals, superman and other planes.

Dark Knight

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Re: In the picture
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2009, 06:11:03 PM »
I've help learn a couple of poeple to drive
Worst thing that ever happened was when they drove streight through a set of red lights  :o
Thought you was leaving the braking very late !?
Why that car beep us I'll never know I closed my eyes  :biggrin: Joking it was a clear junction he/we where very lucky.

I'd let any mate have a lesson, what does lessons cost for an hour ( Cost me £5 when I took them LOL )

I've had a lession in flying once.

« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 06:14:36 PM by Dark Knight »

Offline Stewart

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Re: In the picture
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2009, 06:14:14 PM »
£20 for me for 1 hour

but I was happy to pay that, I liked my instructor. He swore at a white van man for pulling out in front of me and he said I was allowed to run over chavs  ;D

Offline Spud

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Re: In the picture
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2009, 06:18:44 PM »
Haha, I am thinking of doing some intensive stuff, gotta fly  ;) Its the best thing in the world. You missed one thing tho..the ground  :o and other planes are annoying. Especially when they get in my way when I am trying to land. Its like move!! problem is I need one hand to fly, one hand on airbrakes. that leaves me none to use radio o tap altimeter LOL...I fly gliders so have priority but some people are old...but usually if you say "new solo glider" they move pretty quick :P

But people...DO IT!!!! Fly! I havnt done it in ages and miss it so bad  :)


Dark Knight

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Re: In the picture
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2009, 06:20:00 PM »
he said I was allowed to run over chavs  ;D
Just not on the test !

Offline Stewart

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Re: In the picture
« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2009, 06:23:57 PM »
Well our Scout Network are planning to go gliding (but they say they are going organise something and never do it) so I might get the chance then. Is it expensive to learn? I enjoy the stuff I do :P Mainly its to do with scouts and thats mainly why I enjoy scouts so much :D

Offline Spud

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Re: In the picture
« Reply #14 on: January 03, 2009, 06:33:34 PM »
My first flight was on a scout jamboree. I had no idea what it was when I tried it.

As for cost. It depends where you learn. You need to be a member of a club so you are insured to fly. After that you pay per launch (instructors are usually free)

It did cost me quite a bit to learn, but that was because I started to early and had to do tonnes of flying just to keep in the habit of it until I was 16 when I went solo (on my birthday yay) My flights cost about £20/£25 each. £10 if I was just practicing circuits. Its not cheap  :(

Some places have a winch which makes it much more affordable and seriously fun!

Best thing to do is go to to a local club..there is a list somewhere here but not all clubs are members of the BGA (like us lol)

Try and go with scouts. And dont buy vouchers  ;)


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Re: In the picture
« Reply #15 on: January 03, 2009, 06:43:34 PM »
 ;D I shall look into it thanks spud

see thats why I like archery its only costs a lot initially but then after that your equipment lasts you awhile so you dont need to spend money on it, unless you miss treat it of course.

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Re: In the picture
« Reply #16 on: January 03, 2009, 06:46:00 PM »
 :haha: Thats why I like bocking  :nana:

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Re: In the picture
« Reply #17 on: January 03, 2009, 06:53:38 PM »
mmm flying, th eonly times i've ever been in a plane is when i'vebeen flying the dam thing, wow i'm screwed if i ever want to fly anywhere commercially XD

(air cadets rocks in terms of free flying)

and on the subject of archery, i saw someone snap a compound bow a few weeks ago, luckily it was a clean break and didn't impale them with big sharp bits of bow

Offline Stewart

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Re: In the picture
« Reply #18 on: January 03, 2009, 06:56:13 PM »
and on the subject of archery, i saw someone snap a compound bow a few weeks ago, luckily it was a clean break and didn't impale them with big sharp bits of bow

Id be be more scared of being whipped in the face by the string, those things are nasty. That's why I like my recurve :D

Offline Spud

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Re: In the picture
« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2009, 07:05:44 PM »
mmm flying, th eonly times i've ever been in a plane is when i'vebeen flying the dam thing, wow i'm screwed if i ever want to fly anywhere commercially XD

(air cadets rocks in terms of free flying)
That is really true, if you can do that its worth doing. I transfered from my "normal" club to VGS for a bit over the summer and it was fantastic. The kit they have is great and in really good condition. I had some really good flights with the CO there and it didnt cost me a penny..and my food was free and we ate out one night  ;)

If is is possible for you to get a scholarship i recommend it. Its not how I did it because I was too young but if the opportunity is there then take it

There are also some grants and stuff available..worth looking into maybe

« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 07:09:19 PM by Spud »

Offline darfgarf

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Re: In the picture
« Reply #20 on: January 03, 2009, 07:32:45 PM »
mmm flying, th eonly times i've ever been in a plane is when i'vebeen flying the dam thing, wow i'm screwed if i ever want to fly anywhere commercially XD

(air cadets rocks in terms of free flying)
That is really true, if you can do that its worth doing. I transfered from my "normal" club to VGS for a bit over the summer and it was fantastic. The kit they have is great and in really good condition. I had some really good flights with the CO there and it didnt cost me a penny..and my food was free and we ate out one night  ;)

If is is possible for you to get a scholarship i recommend it. Its not how I did it because I was too young but if the opportunity is there then take it

There are also some grants and stuff available..worth looking into maybe


oh i'm way past my cadet days now, almost a year infact, was going ot do the gliding scholarship liscense thingy,and possibly the powered flyingone aswell, but i had county orchestra every other saturday, which kinda had precendenceoverpretty much everything else

Offline Spud

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Re: In the picture
« Reply #21 on: January 03, 2009, 07:43:26 PM »
That sucks, I wasnt doing a scholarship...or a cadet for that matter. But you could always apply to join as staff???

Or go for a grant at a "normal" club  :thumbs: I want more young people glding. It sucks when you are like the only girl and one of 2 "kids"

orchestra stuff sounds cool tho..what you play?


Dark Knight

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Re: In the picture
« Reply #22 on: January 03, 2009, 08:27:31 PM »
 :offtopic: :hijacked:
Has most of us bocker know who been out and about people take our photo's.

Sometimes they'll ask even if it's in the way of a smile.
Other just think we don't mind ( I a tart doesn'r bother me ).
There's those that try to make out their not taking our picture.
And then there's even poeople that take convert picture ( shot from the hip or moblies held has if their texting ).

There is another group and I found one of them today.
It's the "can you move I'm trying to take a normal croud scene "  :-[

I was bouncing in the middle of town near Woollies and notice out the corner of my eye some hold up a big camera. I carried on for a couple of minuets and she was still there.= with her camera in  her hands.

We didn't speak or catch each others eye but as I walk away passed her I heard her say to her self " At least " and started taking pictures of Woollies  :-[

Ever had that sort of thing happen to you ?