Author Topic: Posh Snobby Stuck Up Students  (Read 4062 times)

Offline Trixter

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Posh Snobby Stuck Up Students
« on: January 22, 2008, 06:51:10 AM »
Ok this is just my random little rant, i cant sleep and i was going to do this last night but fell asleep after work, i work in a pub and its the cheapest pub in Cambridge (weatherspoons) so as you can imagine we get quite busy and get alot of students come in, normal students are fine dont have a problem with them, its the others.

Now the other students are the really snobby ones who are up there own arses, and talk down to people and make comments like ''o yes absolutly'' etc etc and are spending mummy and daddys money off the credit cards, or have been given massive student grant cheques and have also got a free ride through Uni and have a great job lined up working for daddys company that you will later enherit, playing big boys and girls thinking there clever,

Now i know people will moan at me about this post for some reason or another but look at it this way, when you get 30 stuck up students come into a pub filled with what they would and have heard a couple say this when they didnt think i was listenin ''commoners'' and they just talk down to you try and make fun and jokes out of you and the way you say certain things it is very anoying and p**ses me off, and we all know if you go to a bar you dont p**s the barman/ lady off if you want any chance of being served, so thats just my rant for today i would of done a new smiley story but Naz hasnt got me any new smileys yet so i could lol sorry for moaning

Offline Spud

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Re: Posh Snobby Stuck Up Students
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2008, 09:32:53 AM »
Bet you feel better now you have got that one of your chest :thumbs:

Offline KentLee

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Re: Posh Snobby Stuck Up Students
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2008, 10:25:24 AM »
 ;D i worked ina bar once i know where your coming from... this bar i worked in used to be in a big posh fancie resturant and im not exactually prince charles.. 

im not the best spoken so you can imagine.... "hi there two small glasses of pimms please"... "sure thing, ice with that"   lol i didn half get some funny looks......
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Offline Trixter

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Re: Posh Snobby Stuck Up Students
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2008, 10:36:04 AM »
@ spud yea i feel alot better now lol

@ kent lee its worse in cambridge cause allthough there spendin mummy and daddys money, they still ask for singles and cheapest drinks dont even spend the money proply

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Re: Posh Snobby Stuck Up Students
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2008, 11:04:45 AM »
now that is a shame i bet i could spend there money on something better....
like top model :PJR: :PJL:
Freedom bocking. no ties to any clubs but friends with them all. this is the way forward.....

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Re: Posh Snobby Stuck Up Students
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2008, 11:11:53 AM »
Sx Nutta: I like a good pint, if I came into the pub you work at rob, you would see me bouncing in, lol

Offline hybrid_hex

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Re: Posh Snobby Stuck Up Students
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2008, 08:25:43 PM »
Try drinking in a Bar full of 'baby para's' (they are fresh from army training, learning to do jumps, and havent been into the desert yet) they are the most ignorant big headed  :censored: :censored: :censored: of all, they will get drunk, throw the pool balls around, and when they get kicked out, walk back to their accomodation pulling the bikes that are locked up out of the racks, thus destroying them, this is a weekly occurence, so I know how you feel having to work with total  :censored:

Offline Spud

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Re: Posh Snobby Stuck Up Students
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2008, 08:44:18 PM »
I hate people in the army. They are very big headed (sorry my best mate twins that just joined) I dont think they will be sucked in. They are very nice. Were gona join the paras in fact

Offline English-tailor

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Re: Posh Snobby Stuck Up Students
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2008, 08:49:50 PM »
Ok this is just my random little rant, i cant sleep and i was going to do this last night but fell asleep after work, i work in a pub and its the cheapest pub in Cambridge (weatherspoons) so as you can imagine we get quite busy and get alot of students come in, normal students are fine dont have a problem with them, its the others.

Now the other students are the really snobby ones who are up there own arses, and talk down to people and make comments like ''o yes absolutly'' etc etc and are spending mummy and daddys money off the credit cards, or have been given massive student grant cheques and have also got a free ride through Uni and have a great job lined up working for daddys company that you will later enherit, playing big boys and girls thinking there clever,

Now i know people will moan at me about this post for some reason or another but look at it this way, when you get 30 stuck up students come into a pub filled with what they would and have heard a couple say this when they didnt think i was listenin ''commoners'' and they just talk down to you try and make fun and jokes out of you and the way you say certain things it is very anoying and p**ses me off, and we all know if you go to a bar you dont p**s the barman/ lady off if you want any chance of being served, so thats just my rant for today i would of done a new smiley story but Naz hasnt got me any new smileys yet so i could lol sorry for moaning

Someone's feeling inadequate...... if they are upsetting you this much I suggest talking to the rest of the bar staff and making a pact for them to be served last. Even if they are the only ones wanting to be served, just stand around chatting amongst yourselves. Over charge them, short change them, give them short measures....whatever makes you happy.
In reality though they are no different than anyone else. They feel the need to band together in packs just like chavs, rockers, goths, emo's or bockers.......
Do something about the way you feel or just move on.

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Re: Posh Snobby Stuck Up Students
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2008, 08:52:07 PM »
I hate people in the army. They are very big headed (sorry my best mate twins that just joined) I dont think they will be sucked in. They are very nice. Were gona join the paras in fact

Why? they defend our country, why on earth would you hate them. That's not very patriotic of you. Shame on you.

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Re: Posh Snobby Stuck Up Students
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2008, 09:20:47 PM »
They are extremly big headed. The millitary waste so much and nobody questions it. First impressions do count. A group of army guys once came to our school to show us what it was about. They were rude, patronising and big headed. And when I thingk of army that is what I immedietly think of.

The army is I spose a good thing...other than the way they treat some soldiers and stuff. I mean it is a little corrupt and that is all my media soaked mind hears and sees. I supose this has much to do with my oppinion.

Most of the army do a good thing. I hate a minority of army people in the I hate a minority of people stop. It was just unfortuante my introduction to the way things supposidy are.

I am not ususally so judge menal. In fact I hate quick judgements. Sorry for the qiuck uninformed decisions. I have been poisened.

The one sad thing though is that was is a buissness. Many economys would crash without it.

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Re: Posh Snobby Stuck Up Students
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2008, 10:49:59 PM »
Ok this is just my random little rant, i cant sleep and i was going to do this last night but fell asleep after work, i work in a pub and its the cheapest pub in Cambridge (weatherspoons) so as you can imagine we get quite busy and get alot of students come in, normal students are fine dont have a problem with them, its the others.

TBH fella, I usually do the doors for spoons in winsford on fri and sat nights.  I get to move around with my door company and have come across the student types your on about (I'm a full time final year uni student too) and they really can be the best kind of customer from the doorlads perspective as they seem to forget who they are dealing with and manners and all consideration for others tend to go out of the window.  It feels really good grabbing them and launching them too, especially when the whole pub erupts with a cheer in support of the doorlads!!  And I'm a "small" doorlad!! haha

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Re: Posh Snobby Stuck Up Students
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2008, 11:01:30 PM »
hmm not all people who say mummy and daddy are like that, i occasionally say it and oh yes, absolutly have to agree with you that some are a bit snooty and need to be taught a lesson  :P

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Re: Posh Snobby Stuck Up Students
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2008, 11:04:22 PM »
I know how you feel Trixster I can't stand it when I go into a pub and order a drink

I mean surely the commoner behind the bar can hear me when my mates and I shout "Oi you scruffy little oik get over here and serve your betters" Bl**dy serfs don't know their place these days they'll be wanting shoes soon mark my words  :nana: :haha:

Only joking Trixster (I don't go into pubs people keep throwing me out) Doormen just don't have a sence of humour  ;) :biggrin:

Jason  :Hoofies2:


Offline Trixter

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Re: Posh Snobby Stuck Up Students
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2008, 05:32:08 AM »
i think people are assuming i hate students now lol i dont i just dont like the ones who try to b posh and stand at the bar wearin a suit then wen i ID him cause he looks 12 gives me attitute for askin and says im wearin a suit, or as alot of the cambs students now have started renaming our drinks menu which is f**kin anoyin they come to the bar say this stupid name and were ment to know what they mean and then the say o dont you know what it is its vodka archers and cranberry juice which we call a woo woo but they changed it to somethink completly stupid bloody students (posh snobby snotty ones only) normal comon students who are down to earth n not up them selfs are nice and great

Offline hybrid_hex

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Re: Posh Snobby Stuck Up Students
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2008, 10:37:31 AM »
Ah yes, because a woo woo isnt a silly name at all now is it . . . . . . . . .  :nana:

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Re: Posh Snobby Stuck Up Students
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2008, 06:34:43 PM »
i mean that they make up stupid names that the barstaff dont know

Offline ForestMunch

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Re: Posh Snobby Stuck Up Students
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2008, 02:22:20 AM »
 :haha: you guys crack me up  :haha:

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Re: Posh Snobby Stuck Up Students
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2008, 02:40:42 AM »
This is how easy I am for a drink!! A pint of your finest ale!! lol  :nana:

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Re: Posh Snobby Stuck Up Students
« Reply #19 on: January 29, 2008, 05:48:43 PM »
spit chips?

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