Author Topic: Student film in Bournemouth  (Read 46051 times)

Offline Bbmthbloke

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Student film in Bournemouth
« on: April 04, 2008, 07:56:29 PM »
Right a couple of weeks ago the Jurassic jumpers got a request from becky ( well actually it was a relay from her cousin who isstudying at the local film skewl) Wanting some bockers as extras in a student film to bemade in the middle of the nite of 3rd/4th April.......

Well 1st off     'shame on you ruf'!!!  and itwas peeps from your college too!!  A  no show

I suspect Colin and i are turning in to characters from 'extras'. This was our 2nd student film in 4 months ( then add telly 2 x and all the youtubeestuff).

We turned up at the ASDA car park by the railway station just before midnite. Loads of milling around. But seemed quite efficient,we were promptlymet b the 3rd production assistant, who directed us tothe costume dept.

For the 1st scene ( mm plot? dont ask me, basically 3scenes, funny,scary and death), I was to be 'clown No1'. Un fortunatly the 1 piece costume was too small ,sohad to be converted into strippy baggy trousers ( with crutch at knee levels --made bouncing a lil tricky) a pink wig and eventually a cream with green detail cardi. Colin was 'redman',

'Ok so what do I wear', colin
'You dont, take yourclothes off,we are going to paint your body', makeup

So Colin strips to the waist and is painted red. Time passes. Cos of the lightness of many peoples costumes ( 30 of us at a guess) many had coats and hoodies on as we waited for filming to begin. A beautiful friendship nearly ended --when Colin asked if the cardie was my own @*!?

Well to rehearsals and filming of scene 1. Imagine batman robin and transvestite in a pink frock coat aladin some angles a juggler on quad sk8s a red man on bouncy stilts a drunken sailor some musicians a clown on bouncy stilts a troll all bouncing jiving wiggling about in a most contrived manner, when a man in a vest handcuffs on 1 wrist and carrying a bunch of roses runs passed us all whilst being tracked by a van with the camera in that?  well thats kinda a 1/3rd of it.

Food and coffee brake. Scene 2 ( no more stilts) Red washed off colins face and is now wearing a white coat and face mask. Im a Nazi (complete with swastica on arm) in a gas mask and goose stepping also a mummy a couple of zombies a guy in a str8 jacket being restrained by a nurse ( plus loads more). Guyin vest now has alarge bloody wound in his torso andsome of the roses plucked --runs past as b4.

Last scene,death. OK the 'facial' this chocalaty stuff with dabbed or flicked over our faces ( looks like blood on film) most every1 in black a few in white. 1 brightly coloured clown laying in a childs ( empty paddling pool) standing over him alady in a red evening dress holding a carving knife. To one side two bikini clad young ladies holding buckets of water ( but to be honest thatrally isnt too unusual in that ASDA car park).

Now peeps had been asked to pretend to be dead laying down or propping themselves against the pillars. Now its about 0500 now and a lil bit nippy, wise old dog me thinks ---mmm I aint laying on floor so prop myself against a pillar at the side. Also my mind went back to the 1st few months of my degree ( 18 years ago) when I looked at the classical/traditional repressentation of death .Which basically means limp body head bent over, 1 arm straight at side and bent other across body --you can spot it on bas relief carvings as far back as classical greece. Well Iadopted that pose --sofor the arty folk 'I LOOKED like a dead body! Added to which I let myspex drop and hang from 1 ear. Now this got me noticed   and got me moved centre stage to be a star corpse!!!! Now far morecomfily propped up against the wheel of a car. Guy runs along ( all roses plucked) ,jumps over clown  as he runs between the 2 girls they throw water over all 3 of themselves.Now Im the only person propped up directly in front of them to watch this arresting little tableaux ---unfortunatly glasses hooked over 1 ear --it was all 'romantic soft focus'. Cut and a wrap.

But the drama not quite over. The water besides soaking a few peeps ,also went over some of the lights and cables --anda bit of ASDA got blaked out (

Colin and I now departed. But I briefly had to  pop into work to drop somat off--stillwith fake blood on!!!  When challenge I gave 1 of 3 answers

'I feel like death, Im not stopping'
'that one was hard to die'
'why do i never get a second date'