Author Topic: JJ summer weekday evening meets  (Read 2862 times)

Offline Bbmthbloke

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JJ summer weekday evening meets
« on: May 09, 2008, 01:48:19 PM »
Ok summer will end next thursday. Cos the JJ's will be starting their weekly Thursday evening meets. Weather tends to go pear shaped when the start.

But seriously, They will start from about 1800 onwards ( not fixed cos some cant get awa from work and some students will be dossing on the beach all day and already there). This year we plan toalternate venues. Odd numbered Thursdays will meet infront of Bournemouth Pier. Even numbered Thursdays the meeting point will be outside the Nelson pub in Poole.

Im hoping the Southyampton peeps will do something similar on another day too.