Author Topic: EA bockers reputation  (Read 23941 times)

Dark Knight

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #75 on: February 25, 2009, 01:36:40 PM »
Back to the council, we bock at the forum because we think it is safe and we are always thinking of safety and are aware of people around us. If we were to bock around the market, or anywhere down that road it would be irresponsible and dangerous.

You've put a lot of thought into it.

But I'd worded this a bit differently has is sound like.
If we can't do it there, we'll do it here !   :Cmad:

Don't point out the negatives say somthing more like
"We are reponsible people and believe the Fourm offers us a nice setting where both we and the public can be aware of one another. We walk around the crouded market and near by streets without any problems. " :Csmile:

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #76 on: February 25, 2009, 01:50:02 PM »
"We walk around the crouded market and near by streets without any problems."

I wouldnt say that.

Dark Knight

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #77 on: February 25, 2009, 04:10:24 PM »
"We walk around the crouded market and near by streets without any problems."

I wouldnt say that.
It sould have said ABOUT the .... ?
The piont I was making is play down the negatives, it a bit silly stomping your hoof.
Much better playing the mind games and maybe they'll forget them !?

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #78 on: February 25, 2009, 04:17:54 PM »
There's a time and place for games but I think this isn't one of them, I think the councils are pretty wise to these sort of things... You need to choose your words wisely or it could ruin it for everyone.

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #79 on: February 25, 2009, 04:50:26 PM »
Honestly DK. I can only bite my tongue for so long.

Back to the council, we bock at the forum because we think it is safe and we are always thinking of safety and are aware of people around us. If we were to bock around the market, or anywhere down that road it would be irresponsible and dangerous.

You've put a lot of thought into it.
Yeah, I have, It took me well over an hour to collate and make sense of all of the info I have been given over the last few days.

But I'd word the a bit differently has is sound like.
If we can't do it there, we'll do it here !   :Cmad:

Well DK, thats kinda the point. One of the key points in the argument. If we can't bock at the forum where we feel is safe then the options are that a new location is found or we bock somewhere less safe. The point is, the EAs are here to stay and it needs to be dealt with.

Don't point out the negatives say somthing more like
"We are reponsible people and believe the Fourm offers us a nice setting where both we and the public can be aware of one another. We walk around the crouded market and near by streets without any problems. " :Csmile:
Now here is where I say are you out of your mind! We are responsible, mostly. It's a good place. But to say we even walk through the market is insane. Why does that need to be said. It is a hugely busy area, we pass through on the way to the forum to grab lunch. You make it sounds like we are a risk to people when you say that and honestly! Its nuts!

"We walk around the crouded market and near by streets without any problems."

Stupid! We might walk around the market yes, but if I received that I would be thinking "s**t! we need to ban these people from the market before they hurt somebody" not "oh, they don't hurt anybody when they are at the market I am sure they will be fine" NUTS! At the end of the day, you never know when an accident might happen. So however much you try to stop it walking through busy areas is more of a risk than in empty spaces (more people to hit) so come on! Use your noggin!

It sould have said ABOUT the .... ?
The piont I was making is play down the negatives, it a bit silly stomping your hoof.
Much better playing the mind games and maybe they'll forget them !?
ABOUT the what?

and play down the negatives? the negatives of us not being able to bock in many places now. Pfft. What is the point in writing if you are just going to say how wonderful we are and not talking about issues we have.

I know, lets play mind games. That will really p**s them off.

"We walk around the crouded market and near by streets without any problems."

I wouldnt say that.

There's a time and place for games but I think this isn't one of them, I think the councils are pretty wise to these sort of things... You need to choose your words wisely or it could ruin it for everyone.



Offline Brendan (NeoNinja)

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #80 on: February 25, 2009, 05:58:40 PM »
WHOA! Calm down Spudacus. DK is on your side, he's just not very good at English (no offense DK). When he said play mind games I think he actually meant you have to learn to play 'the game'. Their game. Meaning work out the best way to word things in order to get them on your side. There's a lot of red tape in these situations and you have to find a way to duck under it or get around it, not cut through it. He was concerned that a letter stating "let us bock here or we'll bock somewhere less safe" sounded like a threat. Which would not be playing the game, as they won't repond kindly to threats.

Obviously we feel strongly about the situation, and accordingly, the letter needs to portray the importance of the issue. But the wording has to make them want to help us, not make them feel like you're forcing them to... because you can't. Most of what you said was very well put. I'm not saying it wasn't. And DK clearly doesn't have a problem with what you're saying. He's on your side. He was just trying to make you aware that in such situations it's best to 'play the game' and so he was trying to help you out with the wording... which was obviously a mistake considering his less than impressive grammatical prowess (seriously DK - no offense ^_^) but his heart was in the right place. He actually began his post with a compliment.

Obviously him pointing out that you already walk through the crowd (not croud) of the market is a bad idea as well. You shouldn't bring up concerns that they're not aware of (which I believe is what he meant by "don't bring up negatives". I doubt he meant avoid the issues, as that would negate the purpose of writing to them at all - which is why I feel you got mad at him on that point). But his intentions were good, so no need to call him stupid or out of his mind. He was trying to make the point (to the reader) that you frequently make your way through far more crowded areas than the forum without any problems, so it's certainly safe to be there (the forum). He's really making the same points as you, just not very eloquently. It might be better to use crowded London as the example rather than another place they have to worry about (because as you said, this result in them thinking "uh oh, we need to ban these people from the market" as well).

Where he said "ABOUT the..." he was merely changing his wording from "walk around the market" to "walk about the market." Clearly he thought they might infer 'around' as meaning 'outside.' I know that was odd of him, and not really an issue - I'm just clarifying for you since you asked him. You're right in saying this point shouldn't be included in the letter.

Anyway, I'm not trying to pick an arguement with you. Hopefully when you read this you'll note that I haven't really even given my own opinion, I'm merely trying to clarify what DK was trying to say. I just feel you reacted a little harshly towards someone who was only trying to help... your posts did imply that you wanted help after all.

DK - Sorry if you didn't want me to stick up for you. I'm sure you could do it yourself and I know it's a bit weird considering I don't actually know any of you. And sorry if I completely misinterpreted what you said. But I think I'm right in assuming the others misunderstood you... which incurred the wroth of Spud.

Spud - I admire what you're doing. I hope it works out for you all.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2009, 06:21:42 PM by Brendan (NeoNinja) »
Everyone's dreams sit aloft a rungless ladder. Some ladders are higher than others. Some are so tall they reach high above the clouds - but everyone can see their dream. Most people see that their ladder has no rungs and although they may talk about climbing it one day, seeing no way to get there, they eventually give up and settle for what lies beneath it.
      The brave however, the wise, the imaginative and the strong of will seek out their missing rungs. They learn all they can about the ladder, they surround themselves with friends and family who would also find the rungs, and failing all else they craft the steps themselves with their own two hands from nothing. Sometimes a rung breaks and the person falls. Some of these people will fall too hard and lose the strength to climb again - Yet they feel comfort in knowing they tried. They became better for it. And they experienced things and witnessed sights upon the climb that those who sat forever beneath it will never know.
      Then there are the special few who find new steps, or fix and climb again the ones that failed. Who eventually, through sheer tenacity and courage come to reach the final rung - Only they will have their dreams fulfilled. The extraordinary then build new ladders. These are the strongest people of all.

Dark Knight

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #81 on: February 25, 2009, 06:14:43 PM »
DK - Sorry if you didn't want me to stick up for you. I'm sure you could do it yourself and I know it's a bit weird considering I don't actually know any of you. And sorry if I completely misinterpreted what you said. But I think I'm right in assuming the others misunderstood you... which incurred the wroth of Spud.

Neo you may not have known me long but you've hit the nail on the head. I have a writing problem I don't mind people knowing it maybe they'd understand me better if they did ?
You took the time to work out what I was trying to put across thanks for filling in the blanks :)

Offline Brendan (NeoNinja)

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #82 on: February 25, 2009, 06:23:02 PM »
No worries. ^_^
Everyone's dreams sit aloft a rungless ladder. Some ladders are higher than others. Some are so tall they reach high above the clouds - but everyone can see their dream. Most people see that their ladder has no rungs and although they may talk about climbing it one day, seeing no way to get there, they eventually give up and settle for what lies beneath it.
      The brave however, the wise, the imaginative and the strong of will seek out their missing rungs. They learn all they can about the ladder, they surround themselves with friends and family who would also find the rungs, and failing all else they craft the steps themselves with their own two hands from nothing. Sometimes a rung breaks and the person falls. Some of these people will fall too hard and lose the strength to climb again - Yet they feel comfort in knowing they tried. They became better for it. And they experienced things and witnessed sights upon the climb that those who sat forever beneath it will never know.
      Then there are the special few who find new steps, or fix and climb again the ones that failed. Who eventually, through sheer tenacity and courage come to reach the final rung - Only they will have their dreams fulfilled. The extraordinary then build new ladders. These are the strongest people of all.

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #83 on: February 25, 2009, 06:50:41 PM »
well is the council against us?
as far as i know they are not.

as far as im guessing spud is doing this as it is them who could change the forums minds about banning us

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #84 on: February 25, 2009, 06:52:39 PM »
I'm going to step in here, because I've been through this with DK many many times...

DK, you know you have a problem with your spelling / grammar, so you really need to take a step back, write what you have to, read and re-read it before posting, as I've had emails and pm's from you which are almost perfect so I know you can do it.

The problem is when something sensitive is discussed, then anything written that can be interpreted wrong is bound to stir things up. It wasn’t just Spud who “mis-read” it but a few of us so DK please take better care when posting.

No poster is perfect, the majority of us make typo errors when we are writing but sometimes you have to take more care when posting, esp on important topics such as this one.

Offline Charlie B

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #85 on: February 25, 2009, 07:42:24 PM »
Second what Webby says, goes for all of us. A post is not a private document so please take care with what you write at all times.
Grow old disgracefully

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #86 on: February 25, 2009, 07:43:38 PM »
Spud, your steps system is very good, only thing I can say on it is don't jump straight to the top. Start at the bottom and work your way up, it will show you are dedicated and believe in your ideas :)

Honestly DK. I can only bite my tongue for so long.

Back to the council, we bock at the forum because we think it is safe and we are always thinking of safety and are aware of people around us. If we were to bock around the market, or anywhere down that road it would be irresponsible and dangerous.

You've put a lot of thought into it.
Yeah, I have, It took me well over an hour to collate and make sense of all of the info I have been given over the last few days.

But I'd word the a bit differently has is sound like.
If we can't do it there, we'll do it here !   :Cmad:

Well DK, thats kinda the point. One of the key points in the argument. If we can't bock at the forum where we feel is safe then the options are that a new location is found or we bock somewhere less safe. The point is, the EAs are here to stay and it needs to be dealt with.

Don't point out the negatives say somthing more like
"We are reponsible people and believe the Fourm offers us a nice setting where both we and the public can be aware of one another. We walk around the crouded market and near by streets without any problems. " :Csmile:
Now here is where I say are you out of your mind! We are responsible, mostly. It's a good place. But to say we even walk through the market is insane. Why does that need to be said. It is a hugely busy area, we pass through on the way to the forum to grab lunch. You make it sounds like we are a risk to people when you say that and honestly! Its nuts!

"We walk around the crouded market and near by streets without any problems."

Stupid! We might walk around the market yes, but if I received that I would be thinking "s**t! we need to ban these people from the market before they hurt somebody" not "oh, they don't hurt anybody when they are at the market I am sure they will be fine" NUTS! At the end of the day, you never know when an accident might happen. So however much you try to stop it walking through busy areas is more of a risk than in empty spaces (more people to hit) so come on! Use your noggin!

It sould have said ABOUT the .... ?
The piont I was making is play down the negatives, it a bit silly stomping your hoof.
Much better playing the mind games and maybe they'll forget them !?
ABOUT the what?

and play down the negatives? the negatives of us not being able to bock in many places now. Pfft. What is the point in writing if you are just going to say how wonderful we are and not talking about issues we have.

I know, lets play mind games. That will really p**s them off.


I'm going to step in here, because I've been through this with DK many many times...

DK, you know you have a problem with your spelling / grammar, so you really need to take a step back, write what you have to, read and re-read it before posting, as I've had emails and pm's from you which are almost perfect so I know you can do it.

The problem is when something sensitive is discussed, then anything written that can be interpreted wrong is bound to stir things up. It wasn’t just Spud who “mis-read” it but a few of us so DK please take better care when posting.

No poster is perfect, the majority of us make typo errors when we are writing but sometimes you have to take more care when posting, esp on important topics such as this one.

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #87 on: February 25, 2009, 09:54:20 PM »
im with u spud 100% all the way

i got us in this mess cos of me flipping in the forum. So what ever i can do to help us i will!

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #88 on: February 25, 2009, 09:58:54 PM »
i got us in this mess cos of me flipping in the forum. So what ever i can do to help us i will!

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Re: EA bockers reputation
« Reply #89 on: February 25, 2009, 10:57:59 PM »
im with u spud 100% all the way

i got us in this mess cos of me flipping in the forum. So what ever i can do to help us i will!

Thank you so so much carl!  :Cbiggrin:
