Author Topic: Opportunity  (Read 29136 times)

Offline toddy

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #50 on: June 07, 2008, 05:54:28 AM »
i got the bocking bus

but i am nor sure if tok is comming with me, if he isnt yea sure u can come with me but i will be leaving early

Offline Brendan (NeoNinja)

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #51 on: June 07, 2008, 03:09:52 PM »
i got the bocking bus

That almost sounds cool. :D lol. You should take it to "Pimp My Ride" and get it kitted out with fold-out platforms and crash-mats... and a huge TV screen to watch bocking vids on. :)

Make sure you go to the American version though. The English one is more like "Chav My Ride." :P
Everyone's dreams sit aloft a rungless ladder. Some ladders are higher than others. Some are so tall they reach high above the clouds - but everyone can see their dream. Most people see that their ladder has no rungs and although they may talk about climbing it one day, seeing no way to get there, they eventually give up and settle for what lies beneath it.
      The brave however, the wise, the imaginative and the strong of will seek out their missing rungs. They learn all they can about the ladder, they surround themselves with friends and family who would also find the rungs, and failing all else they craft the steps themselves with their own two hands from nothing. Sometimes a rung breaks and the person falls. Some of these people will fall too hard and lose the strength to climb again - Yet they feel comfort in knowing they tried. They became better for it. And they experienced things and witnessed sights upon the climb that those who sat forever beneath it will never know.
      Then there are the special few who find new steps, or fix and climb again the ones that failed. Who eventually, through sheer tenacity and courage come to reach the final rung - Only they will have their dreams fulfilled. The extraordinary then build new ladders. These are the strongest people of all.

Offline toddy

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #52 on: June 19, 2008, 06:16:19 AM »
well there is plans to be a proper bocking buss with on board computer, bock rack, bock work shop, and fold up staging to bock off

i now have 2 spair seats in my car that 2 people can use :spudT:
the only thing about comming with me is that i will be leaving mine at 6 ish(morning on fridaa)

Offline Tok

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #53 on: June 19, 2008, 08:33:56 AM »
Ok looks like I can't attend this, got some medical reasons reared their ugly heads. Might have to lay off bocking completly for a while, unsure as of yet till I get test results back :(
So there is a free place going for this again!
Once again, sorry guys!

Offline toddy

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #54 on: June 20, 2008, 07:09:07 PM »
so carl and chocl8 do you two want a lift there or any one else that i could pass, that would go insted of tok

Offline chocl8

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #55 on: June 23, 2008, 07:26:05 PM »
ok guys so tok has pulled out, but we have replaced him with greg, hes a good lad and can do some flips, lol, anyhoo, me carl and greg will be getting train, and carls emailing sprockett now to sort it out, anyone else got anything to add as it gets nearer? :)

Offline Brendan (NeoNinja)

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #56 on: June 23, 2008, 07:32:19 PM »

You probably didn't notice, but my internet's been dead for a while, and it was driving me insane!!! :P lol.

Did you sort out insurance? ;D

Sorry to hear about Tok. :( Hope you get better soon!
Everyone's dreams sit aloft a rungless ladder. Some ladders are higher than others. Some are so tall they reach high above the clouds - but everyone can see their dream. Most people see that their ladder has no rungs and although they may talk about climbing it one day, seeing no way to get there, they eventually give up and settle for what lies beneath it.
      The brave however, the wise, the imaginative and the strong of will seek out their missing rungs. They learn all they can about the ladder, they surround themselves with friends and family who would also find the rungs, and failing all else they craft the steps themselves with their own two hands from nothing. Sometimes a rung breaks and the person falls. Some of these people will fall too hard and lose the strength to climb again - Yet they feel comfort in knowing they tried. They became better for it. And they experienced things and witnessed sights upon the climb that those who sat forever beneath it will never know.
      Then there are the special few who find new steps, or fix and climb again the ones that failed. Who eventually, through sheer tenacity and courage come to reach the final rung - Only they will have their dreams fulfilled. The extraordinary then build new ladders. These are the strongest people of all.

Offline carlgreen

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #57 on: June 23, 2008, 07:46:55 PM »
welcome back Brendan

i had noticed you werent online but i thought u might b busy...well we have our train times and stuff sorted so we need to just sort insurance and we are all done am i right? im the worst at planning things and shall we just ask Sprockket to get it from


Offline toddy

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #58 on: June 23, 2008, 07:55:42 PM »
i am ready with my car(the bocking buss) and i can pick up 2 people if needed

Offline carlgreen

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #59 on: June 23, 2008, 07:59:43 PM »
i think us 3 will train it up as it will be sufficiently quicker and easyier

Offline Brendan (NeoNinja)

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #60 on: June 23, 2008, 08:11:59 PM »
Cool, shame about Tok but glad to have Greg on board. The insurance company she recommended never replied to my requests so I guess we'll go with the one used by Pro-jump members before... though I'm gonna wait a couple more days before I get that in case it turns out we're covered by the general insurance for the entire event.
Everyone's dreams sit aloft a rungless ladder. Some ladders are higher than others. Some are so tall they reach high above the clouds - but everyone can see their dream. Most people see that their ladder has no rungs and although they may talk about climbing it one day, seeing no way to get there, they eventually give up and settle for what lies beneath it.
      The brave however, the wise, the imaginative and the strong of will seek out their missing rungs. They learn all they can about the ladder, they surround themselves with friends and family who would also find the rungs, and failing all else they craft the steps themselves with their own two hands from nothing. Sometimes a rung breaks and the person falls. Some of these people will fall too hard and lose the strength to climb again - Yet they feel comfort in knowing they tried. They became better for it. And they experienced things and witnessed sights upon the climb that those who sat forever beneath it will never know.
      Then there are the special few who find new steps, or fix and climb again the ones that failed. Who eventually, through sheer tenacity and courage come to reach the final rung - Only they will have their dreams fulfilled. The extraordinary then build new ladders. These are the strongest people of all.

Offline chocl8

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #61 on: June 23, 2008, 10:08:53 PM »
I'd say just get a years PLI for all of us :) easiest thing to do, then we can all use it for other stuff as well :)

Offline Brendan (NeoNinja)

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #62 on: June 24, 2008, 12:30:23 AM »
Ok cool, has she mentioned that to you recently? Like I said, I've been offline for a while now so I'm kinda out of the loop. I know that was originally on the table but don't know if it's still an option. Is it?

I guess we'll get more info now that she's back online too. :)
Everyone's dreams sit aloft a rungless ladder. Some ladders are higher than others. Some are so tall they reach high above the clouds - but everyone can see their dream. Most people see that their ladder has no rungs and although they may talk about climbing it one day, seeing no way to get there, they eventually give up and settle for what lies beneath it.
      The brave however, the wise, the imaginative and the strong of will seek out their missing rungs. They learn all they can about the ladder, they surround themselves with friends and family who would also find the rungs, and failing all else they craft the steps themselves with their own two hands from nothing. Sometimes a rung breaks and the person falls. Some of these people will fall too hard and lose the strength to climb again - Yet they feel comfort in knowing they tried. They became better for it. And they experienced things and witnessed sights upon the climb that those who sat forever beneath it will never know.
      Then there are the special few who find new steps, or fix and climb again the ones that failed. Who eventually, through sheer tenacity and courage come to reach the final rung - Only they will have their dreams fulfilled. The extraordinary then build new ladders. These are the strongest people of all.

Offline toddy

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #63 on: June 25, 2008, 07:49:47 PM »
so any more info?

Offline Brendan (NeoNinja)

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #64 on: June 27, 2008, 08:55:30 PM »
I haven't heard from her lately, has anyone else?

She's leaving it a bit late to get back to us.
Everyone's dreams sit aloft a rungless ladder. Some ladders are higher than others. Some are so tall they reach high above the clouds - but everyone can see their dream. Most people see that their ladder has no rungs and although they may talk about climbing it one day, seeing no way to get there, they eventually give up and settle for what lies beneath it.
      The brave however, the wise, the imaginative and the strong of will seek out their missing rungs. They learn all they can about the ladder, they surround themselves with friends and family who would also find the rungs, and failing all else they craft the steps themselves with their own two hands from nothing. Sometimes a rung breaks and the person falls. Some of these people will fall too hard and lose the strength to climb again - Yet they feel comfort in knowing they tried. They became better for it. And they experienced things and witnessed sights upon the climb that those who sat forever beneath it will never know.
      Then there are the special few who find new steps, or fix and climb again the ones that failed. Who eventually, through sheer tenacity and courage come to reach the final rung - Only they will have their dreams fulfilled. The extraordinary then build new ladders. These are the strongest people of all.

Offline toddy

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #65 on: June 27, 2008, 09:01:47 PM »
i was thinking that
as it is a bit far for us to go with out knowing much about what is happening etc?
like hotel etc

Offline chocl8

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #66 on: June 27, 2008, 09:22:43 PM »
No, Carl emailed her t'other day about train tickets, but that was a while ago....

Offline chocl8

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #67 on: June 30, 2008, 08:36:04 PM »
Right, seeing as i haven't heard anything about insurance, train tickets, accomodation or any more details, i am sorry to say i'm gonna have to pull out of this. I have been offered several other things to do this weekend, I'm sorry if there has been a general organisation failure due to a serious reason, stuff comes up. But for now i'm going to pull out of it as i have to give my other commitments a definate answer. sorry guys, i was really looking forwards to this, Chocl8

Offline Greggles

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #68 on: June 30, 2008, 08:38:01 PM »
i havent hured eny thing bout it ither so im not going to b there sorry

Offline Mini Ellis

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #69 on: June 30, 2008, 08:39:34 PM »
Sorry u cant go guys =[ real shame

Mini Ellis xx

Offline Brendan (NeoNinja)

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #70 on: June 30, 2008, 08:51:12 PM »
If it turns out we're still wanted, and we're contacted today or tomorrow... would anyone
still be available?
« Last Edit: June 30, 2008, 11:18:54 PM by Brendan (NeoNinja) »
Everyone's dreams sit aloft a rungless ladder. Some ladders are higher than others. Some are so tall they reach high above the clouds - but everyone can see their dream. Most people see that their ladder has no rungs and although they may talk about climbing it one day, seeing no way to get there, they eventually give up and settle for what lies beneath it.
      The brave however, the wise, the imaginative and the strong of will seek out their missing rungs. They learn all they can about the ladder, they surround themselves with friends and family who would also find the rungs, and failing all else they craft the steps themselves with their own two hands from nothing. Sometimes a rung breaks and the person falls. Some of these people will fall too hard and lose the strength to climb again - Yet they feel comfort in knowing they tried. They became better for it. And they experienced things and witnessed sights upon the climb that those who sat forever beneath it will never know.
      Then there are the special few who find new steps, or fix and climb again the ones that failed. Who eventually, through sheer tenacity and courage come to reach the final rung - Only they will have their dreams fulfilled. The extraordinary then build new ladders. These are the strongest people of all.

Offline chocl8

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #71 on: June 30, 2008, 08:54:14 PM »
Yeh, i am really quite annoyed, but it is possible its out of there hands, so i will understand if there is a legitimate reason for it. Unfortuanately, due to other offers, and having heard nothing i will have to say no, sorry guys, i was really up for it too brendan!

Offline Brendan (NeoNinja)

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #72 on: June 30, 2008, 09:06:51 PM »
That's a real shame. Are you sure you can't make it? It won't be the same without you. :( Kind of a strange thing to say about someone you've never met ;D lol. But I'm sure it's true.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2008, 11:23:39 PM by Brendan (NeoNinja) »
Everyone's dreams sit aloft a rungless ladder. Some ladders are higher than others. Some are so tall they reach high above the clouds - but everyone can see their dream. Most people see that their ladder has no rungs and although they may talk about climbing it one day, seeing no way to get there, they eventually give up and settle for what lies beneath it.
      The brave however, the wise, the imaginative and the strong of will seek out their missing rungs. They learn all they can about the ladder, they surround themselves with friends and family who would also find the rungs, and failing all else they craft the steps themselves with their own two hands from nothing. Sometimes a rung breaks and the person falls. Some of these people will fall too hard and lose the strength to climb again - Yet they feel comfort in knowing they tried. They became better for it. And they experienced things and witnessed sights upon the climb that those who sat forever beneath it will never know.
      Then there are the special few who find new steps, or fix and climb again the ones that failed. Who eventually, through sheer tenacity and courage come to reach the final rung - Only they will have their dreams fulfilled. The extraordinary then build new ladders. These are the strongest people of all.

Offline toddy

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #73 on: June 30, 2008, 09:09:31 PM »
i do agree,
i have to say if i have not hurd anything by wednesday i am not comming as i am not driving 6h to find nout there

Offline Greggles

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Re: Opportunity
« Reply #74 on: June 30, 2008, 09:16:59 PM »
i will not be going if we hear enything an i am a tad anoied but glad i dont have to travle coz i dont like it lol  :thumbs: is a gd thing