Author Topic: A question i have been wanting to ask  (Read 6506 times)

Offline Mini Ellis

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A question i have been wanting to ask
« on: February 12, 2009, 01:18:57 AM »
A teacher at school the other day said to me alot can be told about your personalily and who you are, your likes, dislikes etc, or what they might should or could be from your house or your room.
she wants to know what people think about me from my room so i thought i would ask you guys and gals =]
i have some piccys taken from the corner of my room (well the ones i can get in!!)
oh and spot my kitty, Timmy, he thinks hes bagpuss in my room amoungst all my stuff

Mini Ellis xxxx

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Re: A question i have been wanting to ask
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2009, 01:33:01 AM »
You are a disorderly and messy person :Claugh:
Guessing from the way your room looks your life is quite hectic and unorganised,

You like Horses and other animals
Paddle against the wall - Kayaking/Canoeing? You like watersports?
Photos of greg on your wall? Therefore you must care about him ;)
Random board with stuff on, little things stuck on walls = you are quite creative

Cat = Bottom centre of last picture :P

Have to ask though... WHERE ARE YOUR BOCKS?! :Ceek:

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Re: A question i have been wanting to ask
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2009, 01:36:44 AM »
Ummm I'd say you're fun loving, confident, sporty, perhaps a bit tom boyish? You have a soft side to you (loving / caring) And you are completely normal (thats because if you weren't then your room wouldn't be messy :P )

I wanna be a teenager again!!!

Offline CJ

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Re: A question i have been wanting to ask
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2009, 02:42:08 AM »
having not met you apart from talking on here briefly from the pics i would say

from the decor - very modern and stylish,

the mess and size of room - quite young (well the room really my room like tht and i have my own place)

stuffed toys - love of horses

pictures -likes the outdoors and the guy tht seems to be in most of em

the room as a whole - you like home and your comforts but like to escape to the outdoors, your a very busy person with many hobbies but home is where the heart is.

sorry if im wrong or offend you in anyway

Offline Brendan (NeoNinja)

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Re: A question i have been wanting to ask
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2009, 03:35:04 AM »
Flippin heck, Sprog & CJ must have good eye sight. I thought mine was good but I can't make out Greg/guy in any of the pics, unless the top right one on the board is him. I can see a couple of you, one wearing the hat that's now sitting under your TV. Maybe it's because I don't know him.

I too would guess you're a spontaneous, fun-loving teenager whose always doing something. Someone who doesn't like to sit still too long. I agree that you're probably a bit disorganised and comfort comes before tidiness. And pleasure comes before business. From the fish tank, cat and horse pictures it's clear you like animals which means you're probably a caring compassionate person who feels happiest outdoors. The colour scheme suggests a tom-boyish side to you but the love hearts and teddy bears dotted around reveal a romantic girly side.

If you were a teenage boy I'd comment on the lotion beside your bed...
but since you're a girl and I don't know how old you are I won't. ^_^ lol.
Everyone's dreams sit aloft a rungless ladder. Some ladders are higher than others. Some are so tall they reach high above the clouds - but everyone can see their dream. Most people see that their ladder has no rungs and although they may talk about climbing it one day, seeing no way to get there, they eventually give up and settle for what lies beneath it.
      The brave however, the wise, the imaginative and the strong of will seek out their missing rungs. They learn all they can about the ladder, they surround themselves with friends and family who would also find the rungs, and failing all else they craft the steps themselves with their own two hands from nothing. Sometimes a rung breaks and the person falls. Some of these people will fall too hard and lose the strength to climb again - Yet they feel comfort in knowing they tried. They became better for it. And they experienced things and witnessed sights upon the climb that those who sat forever beneath it will never know.
      Then there are the special few who find new steps, or fix and climb again the ones that failed. Who eventually, through sheer tenacity and courage come to reach the final rung - Only they will have their dreams fulfilled. The extraordinary then build new ladders. These are the strongest people of all.

Offline Nero

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Re: A question i have been wanting to ask
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2009, 09:03:20 AM »
ROFPMSL good one brendan

“Life is not a journey to the grave with intentions of arriving safely in a pretty well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming ... WOW! What a ride!”

Dark Knight

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Re: A question i have been wanting to ask
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2009, 09:18:19 AM »
In short you can be a bit of a tom boy at times but there's a softer side which you hind from some your sporty and the fact you've posted pictures of your room show you confident and happy with your lifestyle.
Has for a messy room .... if you know where everything is then it's not a mess !

My bedroom looks like a bombs hit the bomb creater !

« Last Edit: February 12, 2009, 09:20:28 AM by Dark Knight »

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Re: A question i have been wanting to ask
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2009, 12:05:45 PM »
People are usually shocked when they visit my bedroom (and they do visit ;) )because it doesnt look the same on radiobock.

Hannah, I look at it this way. If people want to know what type of person you are they can bloody well ask. Who gives a stuff what your teacher says. You know who you are and thats all that matters.

What if I said you can tell a lot about a person by looking at their arse?
DK, you're first lol

Offline Brendan (NeoNinja)

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Re: A question i have been wanting to ask
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2009, 01:10:26 PM »
What if I said you can tell a lot about a person by looking at their arse?
DK, you're first lol

I actually LOLed. =D

Hannah, I look at it this way. If people want to know what type of person you are they can bloody well ask. Who gives a stuff what your teacher says. You know who you are and thats all that matters.

Her name is Hannah? I always assumed her name was Ellis... and she was mini. ^_^ Lol. Makes me wonder what everyone elses names are now. =) Anyway, I don't think she was concerened about it. I think she was genuinely interested. =)

I agree that you can tell a lot about a person from their room. The same is said about a person's shoes... but that one doesn't work so well with me. My trainers are usually a mess and often torn to shreds on top - because I use them well and I hate to throw a pair away until the grip has gone (and even then... I develop centimental attatchments to my trainers ^_^ lol). Parkour is a shoe killer. Yet my room portrays a very different person. I think this is an interesting experiment. =)
« Last Edit: February 12, 2009, 01:12:15 PM by Brendan (NeoNinja) »
Everyone's dreams sit aloft a rungless ladder. Some ladders are higher than others. Some are so tall they reach high above the clouds - but everyone can see their dream. Most people see that their ladder has no rungs and although they may talk about climbing it one day, seeing no way to get there, they eventually give up and settle for what lies beneath it.
      The brave however, the wise, the imaginative and the strong of will seek out their missing rungs. They learn all they can about the ladder, they surround themselves with friends and family who would also find the rungs, and failing all else they craft the steps themselves with their own two hands from nothing. Sometimes a rung breaks and the person falls. Some of these people will fall too hard and lose the strength to climb again - Yet they feel comfort in knowing they tried. They became better for it. And they experienced things and witnessed sights upon the climb that those who sat forever beneath it will never know.
      Then there are the special few who find new steps, or fix and climb again the ones that failed. Who eventually, through sheer tenacity and courage come to reach the final rung - Only they will have their dreams fulfilled. The extraordinary then build new ladders. These are the strongest people of all.

Offline Nero

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Re: A question i have been wanting to ask
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2009, 01:28:44 PM »
this is a family forum, i cant share pics of my bedroom :Cbiggrin:

“Life is not a journey to the grave with intentions of arriving safely in a pretty well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming ... WOW! What a ride!”

Offline darfgarf

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Re: A question i have been wanting to ask
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2009, 01:44:18 PM »
this is a family forum, i cant share pics of my bedroom :Cbiggrin:

ditto, and i get moaned at enough about my messyness as it is, there's about 1m^2 where you can see the floor

Offline Brendan (NeoNinja)

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Re: A question i have been wanting to ask
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2009, 01:48:01 PM »
this is a family forum, i cant share pics of my bedroom :Cbiggrin:

I assume you mean SM dungeon?
Everyone's dreams sit aloft a rungless ladder. Some ladders are higher than others. Some are so tall they reach high above the clouds - but everyone can see their dream. Most people see that their ladder has no rungs and although they may talk about climbing it one day, seeing no way to get there, they eventually give up and settle for what lies beneath it.
      The brave however, the wise, the imaginative and the strong of will seek out their missing rungs. They learn all they can about the ladder, they surround themselves with friends and family who would also find the rungs, and failing all else they craft the steps themselves with their own two hands from nothing. Sometimes a rung breaks and the person falls. Some of these people will fall too hard and lose the strength to climb again - Yet they feel comfort in knowing they tried. They became better for it. And they experienced things and witnessed sights upon the climb that those who sat forever beneath it will never know.
      Then there are the special few who find new steps, or fix and climb again the ones that failed. Who eventually, through sheer tenacity and courage come to reach the final rung - Only they will have their dreams fulfilled. The extraordinary then build new ladders. These are the strongest people of all.

Offline aidanh1

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Re: A question i have been wanting to ask
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2009, 03:15:12 PM »
hmmm my room is allways tidy :P

but like 1 shoe in my room makes it look messy its realy small :Cswoon:

and lol locky i actualled loled aswell hehe

                                              i carnt spel... or maybe you cant read ;)

Offline Kazbahn

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Re: A question i have been wanting to ask
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2009, 03:53:28 PM »
My room honestly is quite tidy :P

I never use it for anything, so it doesnt need to get messy.


Dark Knight

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Re: A question i have been wanting to ask
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2009, 04:43:56 PM »
What if I said you can tell a lot about a person by looking at their arse?
DK, you're first lol
I'm a gentleman I'd always say " Ladies first "  :Ctwitcy:

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Re: A question i have been wanting to ask
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2009, 06:09:03 PM »
I don't need to see her room, I'd know that sound anywhere!!!

Offline Mini Ellis

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Re: A question i have been wanting to ask
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2009, 06:59:30 PM »
Hey Everyone thanks for your comments, make me smile :P


Sprog - im unorganized and my life it soo busy =] and my bocks were outside my room cos dad was trying to figure out how to make a bock rack to have them under my kayaking certificates, and they are piccys of greggles =]

Naz - Hit the nail on the head :P yeah im a tomboy lol

CJ - Mordern i like =] my room is tiny hence the mess i guess i love my home comforts but i could be happy outdoors too (how did u figure that out?)

Brendan - it is greg on the pics =] and thats good you noticed my hat :D i didnt know if anyone would pick up on it, Spontanius and fun-loving woop!! i love animals, and i cant sit still lol and my teddy bears, such a child still teehee
oh and the lotion - its excema cream xD dont get TOO excited!!

Locky - Fair doos i see what you mean now, and i have to come visit you and your room =]

Brendan again - yeah my name is Hannah but i dont like it, and at middle skl my older bro was always called Ellis (our surname) i used to walk home with a couple of his mates who started calling me Mini Ellis and i like Mini/Eliis/Mini Ellis more than Hannah

darfgarf - yeah my parents are like...tidy your room, im like no cos i know where everything is atm!! lol

Tim - you do know THAT sound anywhere, and thats impressive!!


Mini Ellis xxxxxxxx

Offline darfgarf

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Re: A question i have been wanting to ask
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2009, 07:03:04 PM »
darfgarf - yeah my parents are like...tidy your room, im like no cos i know where everything is atm!! lol

heh i just get told to by my girlfriend, mother's only seen this room once and it was pretty tidy then, and i know where everything is, if i move everything at once i have to make a big mess just to find a pair of socks etc

Offline Mini Ellis

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Re: A question i have been wanting to ask
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2009, 07:06:30 PM »
darfgarf - yeah my parents are like...tidy your room, im like no cos i know where everything is atm!! lol

heh i just get told to by my girlfriend, mother's only seen this room once and it was pretty tidy then, and i know where everything is, if i move everything at once i have to make a big mess just to find a pair of socks etc

haha i know!! when i go stay at gregs, his rooms sometimes tidy atm hes trying to keep it tidy but i turn up and its like...MESSY!! and his mum comes in like omg and greg just says - it was hannah not me!!



Mini Ellis xxx