Author Topic: Sorta, maybe a problem?  (Read 2051 times)

Offline DevilsGreen

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Sorta, maybe a problem?
« on: December 07, 2011, 06:58:18 PM »
When I try and jump it sorta feels like one of my springs is stiffer than the other and sorta throws me off balance. =[
Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or it's being caused by the wobbely bolt thing just above the top of my spring.

On of them can be spun pretty freely and the other won't budge. =[
Not sure if it makes a difference or not. xD

Offline Jason

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Re: Sorta, maybe a problem?
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2011, 08:22:52 PM »
Every one has a dominant side and you will wear the spring on this side quicker thus making it feel softer

I normally suggest people swap the right and left spring every now and then

In my case it was normally 3 months or about 20 to 30 hrs

It does depend on how onesided a person is as some people never need to do the swap and others will need it regularly

Having said all of that how much time have you had on them as sometimes one spring will take longer to soften that another

I always put the stronger spring on my strongest foot

You can tell which is the stronger foot by which foot you use to run into a two foot jump the last one you puysh off on one foot will normally be the dominant one

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK:

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Re: Sorta, maybe a problem?
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2011, 12:29:31 AM »
Hey dude :) I don't really know if this is what ya mean but..... One of my stilts when I lifted it well the hoofie sorta dropped a tint bit :S after a LONG check and sit down with my tool box I realized the bolts needed tightened :) I don't know but mabey just a tighten would do it ? Worked for me .. And yeah its strange jason I started wearing my stilts the wrong way round (left stilt on right leg) and now I have to do it like that hahaha :L
Most kids play foot ball ... Or ride bikes or skate board... But me, I am no normal kid ! I love to bock !

Offline Jason

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Re: Sorta, maybe a problem?
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2011, 08:51:34 PM »
The only problem with wearing them like that is the risk of undoing the clips on the footstraps if you knock them together

But the chance of you undoing both on one foot at the same time is so low it's not really a problem

Oh and of course everyone taking the micky out of you about knowing left from right  :Claugh:

Jason  :Hoofies2: :CGEEK: